Engagement Story [Bling Bling Ring Linkup]. Oh, AND JIF PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!

Hey fabulous people! 
You know what I realized today after seeing the Bling Bling Ring link-up (click the picture to join the fun)? That I have never spoken of proposal or wedding stuff on this here blog. I guess that since we've been married a while, I just never thought to do it. Well.... Here it goes. 

This is the only picture taken of my engagement ring. I know, I'm awful. It's terrible quality because it's from my phone, so I apologize.

Engagement Story May 21, 2010: 
Hubby and I spent the summer before our wedding in a distance relationship. Crazy, I know. So I had come back to Lincoln to spend the weekend there visiting friends and my soon-to-be fiance. I had been in the car for 4.5 hours, really had to pee, had a lady issue, and was starving by the time I pulled up to his apartment. I went to the door, expecting him to be there, but he wasn't. I called him, and he said that he was picking up dinner for us, and that he'd be home soon. 

Ten minutes went by. Then twenty, then thirty. I was starting to get a little ticked off. I was about to run to a girlfriend's house to utilize her shower and bathroom right as future Hubby pulled up. I sprinted into the apartment without so much as a hello. This also caused me to miss the fact that he didn't have any grocery bags with him. Smooth. 

After I had showered and changed, I came out of the bathroom and witnessed a dozen roses on the table, a homemade steak dinner, and a very well-dressed soon-to-be fiance. I didn't really think too much of it. I asked him what the plans were for our date night, and he said that there weren't any. I said, "Great, let's run by the store, because I forgot my makeup, and I definitely need some. He groaned. I ignored it. 

We ran to the store, and right as we were about to check out, I realized that I forgot my wallet in the car. I wanted to run out and get it, but Mike was acting really impatient. He threw some money on the counter and barely remembered to get his change before dragging me out of the store. 

He drove me to a place in Lincoln called the Sunken Gardens. I saw a friend's truck parked down the street. Said friend had told me that he was out of town. I was a little confused as to why he would lie to me, but tried not to think about it. As we got out of the car and started walking around the gardens, I noticed that Mike had stopped. I turned around and saw him down on one knee. I started freaking out. Do you know what that BUTTHEAD did??? He told me he just had to tie his shoe. 

Anyway, after I looked like an idiot and started mumbling and walked away, he caught up to me, grabbed my hand, got down on one knee, said some really pretty things, and asked me to be his wife. I said yes [obviously]. Some of my friends ran out of the bushes with cameras saying, "MIKE!! YOU PROPOSED IN THE WRONG PLACE!!" That is why there is no picture evidence of our proposal. 

This is my beautiful diamond in the wedding band that we chose:

IMPORTANT: I GOT JIF PEANUT BUTTER FOR CHRISTMAS. I just thought you all should know. If you are confused about why this is a significant event, go here or here.


Anonymous said...

haha ohhh girl your ring is so unique! i love it :) xo

star said...

Your ring is gorgeous! Love the story!

Evelien said...

What a funny story! The poor guy probably was totally nervous! Hahaha :)

ashley.warner said...

love your ring you pretty lady!



ps. come enter my HOPE NECKLACE giveaway! :)


Alyssa said...

So pretty!! I love it!

C Mae said...

Thank you so much for linking up I am really honored you shared your ring and story with me and other followers!!!

Libby's Life said...

SO cute!! And while you were getting engaged I was having my son ;)

lilmoomoo said...

I agree!! your ring is very beautiful and unique!! :)

Isn't it always so funny to think back on why your guy was acting so weird?? I know looking back on my engagement I'm like DUH.

I hopped over from the bling bling link up!!


Katie said...

Your engagement day is also my wedding day! What a coincidence!

Breenah said...

Love your ring!

Petchie said...

Love your ring it is so pretty!


Fash Boulevard said...

the ring is STUNNING. love love love this post. thanks for sharing, hun. if you get a sec, i'd love to hear what you think of my latest. xo


Unknown said...

congrats that is amazing x

faith in between said...

love your engagement story! the ring is GORGEOUS!