I'm Taryn Blake, a writer and event planner from the East Coast. I write Edge - a blog that's a little bit rock and roll, a little down home country, and a little bit big city inspiration. It's a place I share the things that inspire me and hopefully, ones that inspire you, too.
Some New Year's Resolutions?
1. Take more time to focus on the small things that I am blessed with
2. Do more things outdoors that my husband wants to share with me
3. Have more time without my laptop / cell phone
4. Take more chances - no rewards come without some risk
5. Fall into my faith more
Hi there! Sincerely, Kylee is about my life as a student/wife/wack-a-doodle. I occasionally do drink/recipe/book reviews, and I try to throw in some fun here and there. I hope you stop by and say hello.
Some New Year's Resolutions?
1. Lose Weight (Cheesy, I know).
2. Be on the Dean's honor roll my last semester.
3. Buy an awesome house!
Hi there! I'm Casey, a 20-something Air Force wife currently, yet pleasantly, displaced from NC to beautiful Germany! The hubs and I moved here a little over 6 months ago and we're always up to no good. Over at my little slice of blog-ville I write about my life as a military spouse, traveling Europe and experiencing all things German with my hubby "D", and unabashedly talking about my love for wine, food, and oh yeah, wine! I'd love for you to stop by and stay a while! Promise I won't bite. :-)
Some New Year's Resolutions?
1-As silly as it sounds, I want to write and send more letters and cards to family and friends. I've got aspirations to be the crazy card lady! Snail mail is slowly dying out and it totally bums me out. Nothing like the joy of getting a hand written letter or a postcard from some far away land. I would hate to see those things disappear!
2-Learn how to really use my new DSLR camera. No more playing it safe in Auto mode. Manual all the way, baby!
3-Continue to increase my blog potential and {fingers crossed} open up an Etsy shop this year! There, I put it into the universe! Gotta happen now!
Hi! My name is Mary and I'm the face behind Lily White. Words that describe me are: Christian, girlfriend, graduate student, aspiring photographer, overactive crafter, coffee addict, and nature lover. Words that describe my blog are: God centered, faith sharing, online photo album, story time rug, coffee shop conversation, life documentation and friend making.
Congratulations, Brooke! Email me at alyx2011[at]gmail[dot]com within 48 hours to claim your prize!

hooray for brooke! love her to peices (:
No way! Thank you so much! I'm emailing you right now :)
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