Sunday Confessions Linky Party!

Howdy, frands!!! 

Sorry I'm a little late with the confessions today, it's been a somewhat crazier than usual Sunday around these parts.

So... grab one of these buttons, and link on up for today's Sunday Confessions! 

1. I’m obsessed with books by Nicholas Sparks. Seriously. After reading the Hunger Games and about 50 other books in German, I decided it was time to read something in English, and luckily my super mommy knows that I love sappy romances. She sent me Message in a Bottle. Yes, I cried. Yes, it was amazing. Yes, I read it in a day.

2. I had a breakdown yesterday. You know the one. Well, I promised a video, so here it is! I really wish I had been wearing actual clothing, because just having the audio is nowhere near as good, but go ahead and have a laugh at my expense, anyway! 

3. I always think it would be cool to be organized, but then I try it and realize I’m hopeless. I mean, really. I try doing the list thing, and I have a planner, but I suck. I’m an organizational failure.

4. Whenever I read a good book, I imagine that I’m the main character. I think about what I would do differently in a situation, I feel the emotions, everything – I become the character. I know, I’m a freak. Maybe Einstein would think otherwise, though...
5. I shoved my hand in our toilet today to retrieve something. I think that doesn’t really need any explanation. Gross. Gross. Gross. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Unknown said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and absolutely LOVE it! Your voice is witty and funny and that last cat photo is too. Uh for words. Thank you for sharing :)

Alana Christine said...

Aww the voice recording made me sad : ( lol
I hope whatever you shoved your hand in the toilet for was worth it! hahaha. Nasty!

Also, I linked up, but I forgot the button. Don't hate me : (

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

hahaha You posted it, I was waiting! That is so funny! awww bless you though!!! Do they not do sausage Mcmuffin's in mcdonalds there??
iccccccccccccccccckkkkkkkk that is so gross about the toilet, I've had to do it once, aww man! :/ hahah

Breenah said...

I started playing the video and J freaked out because he thought Quinn was crying, haha.
Number 4? Me all the way. It could count as one of my confessions because I don't talk about it to others. A lot of the time I'll try and cast the book as a movie too, haha.

Vapid Vixen said...

Oh my gosh that was just tragic. But it made me laugh that your husband was laughing.

Keri said...

AWWWW you made me sad again!! You poor thing! JUST COME HOME! :)

#4 - DUH that's what makes reading fun and how we can be swept away from where we are to where the story is! It's what makes reading amazing.

Amy Harris said...

i love nicholas sparks! haha i'm about to start "the lucky one." have you read it yet?
I think the reason i enjoy reading so much is because i get so invested in the characters and for that short time while i'm reading it all seems so real.. so you are not the only freak!!
and the toilet...not fun! sorry bout that.

Anonymous said...

I just want to give you a great big hug! And a cupcake with frosting! :o) You poor thing! I liked the sleep-talking video better - that one was less sad!

Nicholas Sparks and Jodie Picoult can always make me cry with their novels!!!! Amazing stuff!!!

Natalia Lynn said...

Wow I am so glad to be following this blog now! You are so fun! I think maybe a true kindred spirit lol. Hang in there! - Christie @Ma Nouvelle Mode

Hannah said...

I'm an organizational failure, too! We should start a club (or maybe a support group...) :)

Bri Buzali said...

ahhhh I LOVE Nicholas Sparks! I decided over Christmas break that I was going to try to read all of his books, I only got through three but I guess Message in a Bottle will have to be the next one I read. I just finished A Bend in the Road, not my favorite of his, it was just ok. My favorite one has been The Choice, I highly recommend it!

Shutterbug said...

It's been too long since I've read a Nicholas Sparks book. His books are fun to read.

Sara Louise said...

I confess that I have never read a Nicolas Sparks novel. There I said it (but I really really like the movies)

thobeka said...

Am I a bad person for listening to that recording and laughing at
a) that your husband is laughing & b) that you wanted mcdonalds THAT badly!

Then I listened to it again and it made me sad... then one more time and I just had to laugh because I know EXACTLY what you're going through...except I was in tears because I hadn't heard Zulu in so long and I missed friendly south african people!

Anna said...

I want a cupcake with frosting and a donut too! These videos are priceless, THANKS for sharing them. #5- it's ok, that's what they invented soap for. :)

Anonymous said...

im gonna try to link up this sunday if i can :)

and you stuck your hand in the toilet? ewwww gross. no actually ive had to do it on more than one occasion myself.

The Young, Married Life said...

Haha, that cat made me laugh out loud.

I am similar with imagining myself as the book's main character. I don't necessarily envision what I would do differently, but I definitely start to take on his/her emotions.

P.S. I think this blog is made for me! I'm from Nebraska (is that star on Lincoln?) and lived in Germany for a summer. Not quite as intense as you, but at least I can relate!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

One time at a hotel in Paris I accidentally dropped the flusher in the toilet... terrible.

TicoTina said...

awesome, I just found your blog via Esther at Lovingly Thrown and you've sucked me in when I'm supposed to be exercising!!! NAUGHTY.

I totally do that thing when I read, too, become the character. funny. you seriously read books in German? amazing.

I am adding your linkup to my blog calendar and will try to join up as often as I can =)