That's So Random.

Hey there little bloglings. 

I don't really have anything in particular to talk about today, so you get a bunch of random thoughts that are going through my brain. 

-- I'm 6'6" ish in these shoes. 
-- I'm still not a fan of carrots, no matter how hard I try. At least I'll eat them now, as long as they're not raw. 
-- I felt like taking pictures today because it was sunny outside. That is the only reason I took off my sweatpants and put on real clothes. 
-- As soon as I was done taking these... I put my sweats back on. They're more comfortable. 
-- I made brownies (from scratch: hollllleeerrrrrr) last night. Husband and I are the only people who live here. Do the math. PS: There may or may not be one less now than in the picture... 
-- I've tried going more than one day without washing my hair... but I can't do it. If I shower, I have to wash my hair. 
-- I'm thinking about buying a domain. What do you guys think of "" You know, just in case I decide to change the blog name someday. FYI: I'll probably buy it regardless of what you guys say... because I think it's nifty. :)
-- I'm trying really hard to grow my hair out. I chopped 14 inches off in August... and so far I've grown about 6 inches of it back. If you were wondering... no, it doesn't look that amazing in real life. 

-- I didn't number this list because I didn't want my "multiples of 5" OCD to kick in. Now that I've typed that, I have the urge to count... 
-- I counted, and this makes 10. I win. 

PS: Go enter the giveaway HERE. You know you want to. 

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Unknown said...

You are adorable! And I'm proud of the chainging-out-of-sweat-pants pictures and then the eating brownies ;) They look delicious!!

Kym said...

my god, alyx, you are an effing giant. no wonder you & hubby ate half a tray of brownies.

and also, you should really try to wash your hair every other day or every three days. i know it'll get greasy at first, but i promise your scalp will adjust and stop creating as much oil. promise. till then, dry shampoo is your best friend. and besides, shower caps are totally sexy, especially when showering with your husband, amiright? :)

Niken said...

i always wash my hair too everytime i take shower. and i can't resist brownies. especially when they're made by my mom. she makes the best.brownies.ever

Liz Brown said...

Steamed is the best way to have carrots, imho.

Brownies from scratch ... I made this awesome brownie recipe last weekend! I made them twice cause they were that good. They're called Fudgy Black Bean Brownies, and they have no flour or anything, just black beans and cocoa and stuff. They are insanely delicious. You should make some. The recipe is on my pinterest in case you do.


Lauren Talon said...

Oh my gosh lady you would TOWER over me!! I'm only 5'2 lol. We'd make a funny pair :) Love this post! Very cute! And I'm so with you on the sweat pant thing. They go on the second I'm in the house and don't come off until about 5 minutes before I leave the house. Love them!

Notes She Wrote said...

yum those brownies look delish. And i would have totally eaten half of them too :)

xo, Lissie

Natalia Lynn said...

I just bought a pair of shoes that I am like 6'6" in too! I'll probably only wear them with my hubby, thank goodness for tall husbands!

Adria said...

What an adorable post! Are you seriously that tall in those shoes? If so, that's pretty awesome...hurrah for tall people :D At 5'11 I haven't worn anything but flats in soo, soo long!

megan danielle said...

ah im so jealous of your hair growing skills! my hair probably grows half an inch every year...i hate it.

Maria Larsen said...

Sweats are one of god's greatest inventions. Your hair is adorable...I'm actually contemplating cutting all mine off soon! Anddddd you should totally buy the least in my opinion

Unknown said...

I get to be about 6'2 in my tallest shoes but you just blow me away! You look adorable. It's gonna be 21 C. tommorrow! Like 70! Ahhhahah!

Also, brownies OMGILOVE

in addition, I shower every day but only wash my hair twice a week. TWICE A WEEK. I can't wash it more - my hair is so dry that it just poofs and frizzes and breaks off if I wash it more. being so dry, my hair also never looks oily which is cool.

The bummer is that means my skin is always super dry too D:

erin e flynn said...

Yeesh, you're tall! I have some similar shoes, they make me... 5'11 ish? lol They make me taller than Anthony though, so I don't wear them much. See?

I think I last washed my hair on... Sunday? It's Thursday now, so I'll probably wash it tonight or tomorrow. My hair's kinda curly and if I wash it too much it dries out and turns into a frizz ball. I do shower everyday. In case you were worried.

I like the idea of getting a domain! For some reason I can never remember your blog URL so I just type in Garner and it pops up.. Is available? Might be another good option!

I'm also trying to grow my hair out. I really want to cut it right now though because it's a mess!

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

6'6. Wow I'm just imagining you stood next to tiny me haha the Brownies look so yummy I don't blame you for how much you ate ..I'm not even going to say how often i wash my hair haha

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

6'6. Wow I'm just imagining you stood next to tiny me haha the Brownies look so yummy I don't blame you for how much you ate ..I'm not even going to say how often i wash my hair haha

Anna said...

Sunshine! I know how much you enjoy it. :) you are a doll, even if you're a foot taller than me with those shoes.

Unknown said...

Dude... You are so stinking tall. I'm 5'8" and thought I was tall... NOPE I'm just dwarf Kassi compared to Alyx. I like That will be WAY easier to type in than hahaha. ;)

Amy Harris said...

if i had to wash my hair every single day i would probably cry. or maybe even die. going on day 4 hair today.. woot!
and if you ever want to come make brownies from scratch for me, i wouldn't be mad at it (:

Natalia Lynn said...

Love the shoes! I adore that you are proud and tall! My hubby is 6'9" and i love wearing the highest heels i can. Love the domain name! Growing your hair out sucks! Xoxox- christie

Alana Christine said...

I LOVE brownies!!!
I would die if I had to wash my hair everyday. It would NEVER get straightened.

lori said...

the best carrots= balsamic+honey marinate on the george foreman.. YUM.

i donated 12 inches of my hair a while back, and im currently missing it... think i'll grow it back out and do it all over again, if i can get it that long! have you tried biotin? i hear thats supposed to make it grow faster.

Amy said...

Oh those brownies look amazing! They are the best from scratch!!!
Urgh I wish I was more consistent with my hair washing, I could learn a thing from you lol
Amy xo

Keri said...

You get to be THAT skinny AND eat that many brownies?! NOT. FAIR. :) But that's ok...because you're awesome. I looooove this outfit, seriously. I would wear it. Except not with skinnies because girl I do NOT have your legs. :)

Kelly said...

You're hilarious. I am jealous of your brownie-making skills. I want some now. Also, I think its AWESOME that you're rocking those wedges.

Kitty said...

6'6? Holy hell, I'm only 5 foot nothing!

Omg I'm coming over and stealing the rest of those brownies, like, right meow.

I DEFINITELY say you should got for, easier to type AND remember.

Remy / Cinnamon Bubbles

Abbey said...

I think a domain would be cool, but I'd hate for you to lost GFC. That's the main way I follow blogs, and I tend to forget about the others.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I totally have to wash my hair everytime I shower. I know it's bad to wash your hair htat much or whatever, but I can't just do the whole body shower nonsense.

and DEFINITELY buy a domain!

his little lady said...

um, even though i am a shorty i absolutely adore that you are so tall. because you never look it in your images. i have to ask, how tall is your hubby?
xo TJ

Anonymous said...

Beautiful sense of style and lovely posts! Would you like to follow each other?
Fashionhypnotised girl

Sara Louise said...

I'm the opposite of you - carrots raw are the only way I can eat them.
And I have that multiples of five problem too, like with the volume of the TV, it could never be at 23, it would have to be at 20 or 25. I'm a freak.

Magical Daydream said...

Haha I can totally relate to the brownies ;) The only things is that my oven is kinda broken, making it really hard to make brownies: last time the top was burnt while the inside was still mushy... (Didn't hold me from eating it anyway haha)

