Visas. Chinese. Death of Internet. Husbands.

UGH. You guys. My day has been the most royal pain in the butt ever. Okay, maybe not. I just felt like being dramatic.

You think the DMV is bad??? STEP INTO A GERMAN BUREAUCRATIC OFFICE, THEN WE'LL CHAT! Sorry for yelling, just had to get that off my chest. "Ein kleinen Moment" becomes an hour of waiting. But... we FINALLY are allowed to be here. Bout dang time. Now I have a nifty little German ID card.
Can you believe they gave it to me all painted like that? And they don't let you smile in the photos... that would be why I look like an escaped convict. 
On the plus side... we ate chinese food. Try not to be jealous, guys... Especially since my hair is greasy, I'm sporting no makeup, and the tired eyes. At least I've got my diet coke.
On the not so plus side... our internet died for approximately 15 hours. Yes, I was counting. Yes, I almost died from withdrawals. Yes, I'm fine now that (after 3 tries and 30 minutes on the phone) we have it back - thanks for asking. I kept myself busy by picking weeds. 

Oh, HEY! I got a 96% in one of my English classes. Hollerrrrrr! I still haven't finished the other one - I don't wanna talk about it. 
This picture really has nothing to do with this post... I just felt like looking at something pretty. 
Husband quote of the day: 
(while standing on a bridge, looking at the ducks): Hey, you want duck for dinner? 
(I nod, just to humor him)
(He pretends to shoot a bow and arrow, then starts quacking and waddling around with him arm bent funny): QUACCCCKKK QUACKKKKKK
(Me): What the heck are you doing? 
(Husband): I'm being the duck that I just shot with my bow and arrow. DUH. 


Unknown said...

Can I just say that I am with you about the german government omg it TOTALLY SUCKS SO MUCH. I finally got my card last month. I also have to say having to deal with the german government just as a stepping stone to deal with the american government (can't get steven's visa till i'm a 6 month resident of Germany) is so. freaking. dumb.

Unknown said...

P.S. I remember we went to Mainz in october of 2011 and were complaining about how dumb the german gov was and how difficult it was to get our many months has it taken for us to sort it out? sheesh.

Unknown said...

That duck quote was funny! I can imagine your withdrawals!

Jennifer said...

They really don't let you smile?? I think not being able to would crack me up.

San said...

Don't get me started on the visa/immigration issues. As frustrated as you are in Germany, I guarantee you, the USCIS is ten times more difficult to deal with... after I got married, I had to wait for 10 months (in Germany) to get my spouse visa. Way to spend your first year of marriage apart.
Glad you finally got your ID! What kind of visa are you guys on?

Hannah said...

Yeah Daryl, the german goverment does suck. My parents and i tried to get my passport 2 years ago in january. In may we wanted to fly to malta and guess what we got my passport 2 day before our flight in the south...
But congrats! Does that mean your going to stay here for a while?

Niken said...

German's bureaucratic sounds really annoying! hope i can do something to make you feel better, but i don't think i can beat what Mike did! gahahaha.

you do looked really tired. hope you can rest well, congratz for the english classes!!!!!

and i think you look okay in the photo of your German ID ;)

Breenah said...

How does the Visa work? Like, is it good for a certain number of years even if you leave the country? Your picture actually looks pretty good!

Alana Christine said...

I hate taking ID pictures. I would have smiled regardless of what they said. lol. That's what I did in my passport photo!

Kym said...

if it's worse than the dmv, then it must be bad! glad to hear you guys finally got your visas!

and - how can i say this nicely - is that a drag queen to the left & behind you in the chinese place? it looks like a dude in a wig! but if it's a lady, then it must be a bad angle and i'm very very sorry.


his little lady said...

even with "greasy" hair, you are still gorgeous, girl! and i absolutely love chinese food, so now you have me starving!!
xo TJ

Magical Daydream said...

Whaha love the duck story. Also, your German ID card is valid till my brithday. Now I am probably going to remember that.

Unknown said...

Wait a second... Haven't you been there for a real long time and just NOW got an id card?? Eh, can't blame you. I hate the DMV here...

Miki {Becoming What I Always Was} said...

ha ha ha. Your husband sounds hilarious. Quack Quaccckkk. That's something I probably would do and then my husband would be like alright miki, shut yo trap!

Keri said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You and your husband are awesome. :)

Kell said...

My life basically comes to a screeching halt when my internet goes down. I don't even know what to do with myself. It's sad. Ha!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I practically FREAK OUT when the internet goes down, it's BAD.

Anonymous said...

You and your husband are PERFECT for each other! ;o)

15 hours without the internet? However did you survive? I have a mini breakdown if it takes over 30 seconds for a page to load. 15 hours would be too much.

Kelly said...

Seriously - your posts are my absolute favourite. First of all, your husband is awesome for impersonating a duck. Awesome. Secondly, 15 hours without internet sounds like torture. I can see how you resorted to picking weeds. Anything to pass the time, really.
Lastly, great job on your english class! :D

Deidre said...

I would say that all bureaucratic offices are horrible (it took my FOREVER to get my Australian visa...)

I loved this post though :)

Dearest Lou said...

Sorry you had a rough day. I'm totally jealous of your hair Alyx, seriously ;P


PS I've been super busy lately but I will get back to emailing you ASAP! I haven't forgotten!

Katrin said...

Oh je, deutsche Buerokratie! I know how that is...poor Alyx!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I love making wishes on those weeds :)!

Sara Louise said...

I love that not only did your husband imitate a duck, he imitated the injured duck that he shot with his imaginary bow and arrow. Freaking awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow it's awesome that you are in Germany! We're going this summer for a trip. I grew up near Heidelberg.

ashley // chasing heartbeats said...

I definitely got into a little argument with the lady at the ausländerbüro when she told me I couldn't use the same photo I had for my American passport because the corners of my mouth slightly turned up and therefore I was smiling. I tried to explain it was just the way my face looked and asked if I should frown instead and I might used the word terrorist to describe my picture. oops. Needless to say, she remembered me after that. :)

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I got to the visa office at opening on Friday and still had to wait 2 hrs only to get someone who spoke zero English, ultimate test of my German that I did not pass with flying colors. I can't believe you just now got your card - crazy crazy!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I got to the visa office at opening on Friday and still had to wait 2 hrs only to get someone who spoke zero English, ultimate test of my German that I did not pass with flying colors. I can't believe you just now got your card - crazy crazy!

Lissa @ her + him said...

haha oh geez. that pictures DOES NOT look like you were having fun...

Unknown said...

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