Sunday Confessions Link Up

Hi Guys!! 

Sorry this is late... I definitely forgot to write up and schedule a post before we left for the lake on Friday. Anyway. You know the drill - grab a button, write your confessions, and link up!
1. My entire body is sore. We spent about seven hours on the lake yesterday, and a lot of that time was spent being pulled around on the tube. My arms hurt, my back hurts, my pecs hurt, my legs hurt - everything. I think my face in this picture pretty much sums up the pain.

2. I am starting to believe that sunscreen is useless and doesn't work. I applied it three times yesterday and still managed to get a burn somehow. This is unusual for me, too, since I don't usually burn.

3. Even though I was unplugging for the weekend, I checked my email a few times. Oops. I'm telling you - this stupid iPhone is going to ruin me. I did ignore it all day Saturday, though.

4. My swimsuit bottoms fell off yesterday. I flew off the tube, and my bottoms definitely went down to my ankles. Good thing that water was super dirty.

5. This isn't really a confession, but our first offer on our future home was accepted! We offered a few thousand less than we were actually willing to pay, just in case, but they accepted! We aren't in the clear yet, though - we still have inspections to go. I'm trying to keep from getting too excited, but it's hard!
We hate the color, so the first thing we're going to do is paint the house white with red shutters.


Tif said...

WHEW! I forgot to do it too! So I'm glad to know it'll be later...I'm running late for Church! :o)

Unknown said...

Even tho I'm sure it's painful, the tubing looks like fun! I've been wanting to go, but it's raining like crazy in Florida.

Paige said...

Tubing is always painful! I also found out that I have to wear goggles because if not, my contacts want to fly out. I also get sunburned on the lake, even after applying sunscreen over and over.

Cute house! :) I bet you're so excited!

Brianna said...

I love your ability to laugh at yourself! Sounds like an absolutely wonderful day on the lake! Don't worry about the bikini bottoms. When I was 19 I went to the beach with a bunch of my friends (mostly guys). My bikini top fell off and I couldn't find it. So instead of being all bashful I decided to totally own it. I walked out of the water and my guy friends were staring at my (non-existent) chest. I said, "What, you've never seen European beachin' before??"

Amy Harris said...

tubing seriously takes it out of you! haha i went boating last saturday and my body just barely recovered fully!
congrats on the house prospect... that's so exciting :)
matt and i just found a duplex and are signing on it on wednesday.

meet.make.laugh. said...

Congratulations on your offer being accepted! I remember going through that.... so nerve-racking! ~Stephanie

lori said...

i haven't been to the lake yet this year, but i remember being SO sore last year after the 4th of july and thinking i am getting too old for this ;) hopefully we'll do it this 4th of july too though.

as far as the sunscreen... maybe its expired?

and congrats on the house!!! hope the inspection goes well :) we're trying to go meet with a loan officer this week to talk about financing... and my head already hurts from the stress coming our way haha

Unknown said...

COngrats on the house!!! And I LOVE the idea of white and red shutters ;) All it needs now is a wrap-around porch hahahaha LOVE IT! And I'm impressed that you got on the tube! I don't have the arm trength anymore hahaha

rooth said...

CONGRATS! That's awesome news. And yes, I just got an iPhone and check my email all the time. Boo to never getting away from it all

Katrin said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed! Congratulations!
Wow, you are so brave. I could never do what you did in your first picture. Way too scary! And I always get sunburns, it's terrible. I get red and then I go back to being white.

Brielle said...

it will be so cute white with red shutters! i'm excited for you!

Keetha Broyles said...

Ya gotta hate bathing suit "parts is parts" that don't DO their part!

Breenah said...

White with red will be so cute! Hopefully the inspection goes fab!

Brook said...

Congratulations on the offer and my fingers are crossed all goes well with the inspection! My iPhone is my downfall as well.

Tif said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your home! That is so exciting!!! We bought the house I grew up in back in 1999 from my Mother. Talk about weird! But so awesome! Also...been guilty of losing the suit too! Usually while skiing! You rock girl!


Courtney B said...

Woo hoo!! Good luck with your house inspections and everything. That is definitely the biggest pain in the butt, but it will be SO worth it in the end :)
And applying sunscreen only 3 times when you're at the lake is definitely not going to avoid sun burn :) You needed to apply like 5 times, ha ha!

Anna said...

woo! congrats on the house! AS far as the sun burn goes, it's probably global warming.... :) the tubing looks fun though!

Anonymous said...

omg you know id probably have flipped over on that tube and got sucked under the boat! and i can totally commiserate the bathing suit bottoms coming down! lol!

CONGRATS on the offer being accepted!! crossing my fingers and toes and everything else (except not eyes...that just looks creepy) for you that it works out!! white + red is soo cute!

uhmm ok i think thats it. im so tired i cant promise i formed any coherent thoughts in this comment.

oh yeah - the sunscreen ... i think there are like special rules and stuff u have to follow when playing in the water. but i always burn so who knows!

Nikkiana said...

That house looks super cute! Fingers crossed that everything works out for you!

Maria Larsen said...

Yayyyyy! Congratulations on your new homeee!

Nicole said...

Such a cute little house! And honestly I bet all that pain was worth it!

RadiantKristen said...

You got a house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See, no limit on exclamation points =).

The lake looks too fun. Sorry about the swimsuit bottoms? Maybe it's a sign that you should go shopping! That's the excuse I would use, at least.

Laura said...

Very cute house! Hope it passes inspection!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

adore the house, looks like a perfect first home!

and your sun is so not used to that american sun anymore... oh germany!

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

Thats so exciting you are getting a house!! and it looks like you had a great weekend despite the burn :D

Kylie said...

Good luck on the house! I'm jealous :) Don't you love being sore from the lake though?? I'm sure missing it this summer, haha.

Anonymous said...

White with red shutters would be SO cute. Consider a red door too! :)


Kym said...

Bahahahaha!! at #4. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you. If you recall the same thing happened to me. I feel your pain, sister :)

I completely agree with #2. Sunscreen only seems to work sporadically. Also, it expires after about a year, so if it's old, it might not work.

And OMG congratulations about the house!!!!!! I know it isn't final yet, but I really hope the inspection goes well and you seal the deal! I'm so excited for you guys! :)))))


Unknown said...

I always get a little burnt on my face no matter how much sunscreen I put on... I just tan everywhere else... Weird right?! Love your almost new house!!! Hope you get it! :)

Cambria said...

This is hilarious!!! I love your Sunday confessions. I especially love the swimsuits flying off confession. I might just have to do a sunday confessions!


Sara Louise said...

Oh man! I spent a day last summer in Texas being pulled behind a boat on a tube like that and my body hurt for days! I'm definitely too old for that.
Love the new house, keeping my fingers crossed that the inspection goes OK :)

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