WIWW. Christmas in July. Holy Balls am I Exhausted.

Linking up here.
skirt: I made it sandals: target bangles: Christmas in July gift (f21) shirt: f21 watch: fossil
Hey guys!! 

So... I'm not gonna lie. It's 3 am here and I'm taking a break from unpacking boxes to write this blog post. I know I've been a crappy blogger the past couple days (read: I have over 100 emails in my inbox that have yet to be answered), but sometimes life comes first. Bah. 

I have a picture of us in front of the house standing next to the sold sign, but IDK where my camera cable is, so that's just gonna have to wait. 

I forgot to take "before" pictures of the house, so all you kiddies get is the after, which will really be a before because we're probably going to slowly fix the things we don't like. I'm really just rambling because I'm so friggin' tired and exhausted and haven't eaten anything except the most unhealthy chicken sandwich ever. 

ANYWAY. As many of you know, it's the 25th. Which means that it's time for the Christmas in July Linkup! I was paired up with Brielle, and I was pretty excited, because I sort of "knew" her from reading her blog. 

I have pictures of what I sent her, but they're on my phone, and I have no clue where that is, so you get the one that I just pulled off of Instagram. 
Underneath that card and tissue paper was some nail polish, a couple of pairs of earrings, a small notebook and pens, and an index card holder to put recipes in (with a couple of my favorites). I think that's it. 

Now for the good stuff... I was so excited when I got this package in the mail, I almost forgot to take a picture! I remembered, though. Unfortunately, it has my address, and I'm too tired to go into photoshop to blur it out. 
Oh, well. Brielle sent me a beautiful scarf, some nail polish, some tic-tacs (what are you saying, Brielle? You can smell my almost morning breath all the way out there in Utah? haha, jk), some bangle bracelets, and the chapstick that saved my life about an hour ago (and is about to save it again).
So there you have it. 

SIDE NOTE: go here to see if you won the Anthropologie gift card & ad space from Sue.

If you participated in Christmas in July, feel free to link up and share what you gave/received. If you did not receive a package and your partner has not contacted you with an explanation, send me the name and email address of your partner, and I will personally contact them to see what is going on. If you did not send a package, that is NOT fair or okay, and you will be banned from further gift exchanges. There were far too many of those, and, to be perfectly honest, I'm a little (okay a lot) ticked about it. 

That being said... go ahead and link up, and visit others while you're at it!!! 


English Anderson said...

Such a fun gift! I'm so excited to see what Riana sent me, but knowing how freaking slow the military postal service is, I don't know when I'll be able to blog about it :/. Great idea though, and I hope that just because packages are running a little late, we can still participate!

Niken said...

i can't wait to see what you do with the house!

Kristin said...

Cute outfit, and super fun Christmas in July gifts :-). I have a thing for striped maxi skirts...just so darned cute!!! Hope you're catching up on some sleep today :-)

Breenah said...

EEEEEKKKK!!! I'm so excited to own something from Anthro! I'm also in love with your skirt!

Anonymous said...

I love the skirt you made!!!! Now stop blogging and unpacking and get some sleep!!! :o)

Unknown said...

I love love love those bangles!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kim @ a positive peace said...

i LOVE that skirt you made!! just don't even worry about starting work next week, just open your own clothing shop in addition to your blog design shop and be your own boss! how is it possible you can be this talented on this many fronts! no fair!

also, totally messed up of people who signed up but didn't send!! notttt okay!

have fun unpacking!!

rooth said...

Cute skirt and what a lovely present! Glad you guys were able to move in - now for all the unpacking. FUN! (That was sarcastic)

RadiantKristen said...

I want to make myself a skirt just like that. So pretty. So comfy looking. Love, Love, love. Did I say love? LOVE.

Katrin said...

I love your skirt, Alyx! It's fabulous! I hope you get some sleep soon!
And I also love your package! So many cute things! I am a little sad I did not get one.

April said...

I LOVEEEEEEEE your skirt, just scrolled up to see where it was from and saw that you made it-so awesome :) Good luck unpacking/moving :)

Why Girls Are Weird said...

So fun, I wish I had signed up for this!

P.S. Come join the Blogging Besties Swap, live on my blog today! Make a new friend and get fun goodies in the mail!

No(dot dot)el said...

Hang in there Alyx and thank you for this great link up. And just to relieve you of any more work don't answer me back :) I'm cool we're good. I got your back !!

Katie @ My Darling Days said...

Congrats on the house and adorable maxi skirt, love!

Mikelle Jade said...

Ugh I NEVER know about package swaps, and what a fun occasion! and You are a crazy woman, writing on the blog at 3 am!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this!?!? I must have been sleeping... =/ xoxo

Ashley said...

GO take a nap!!!!

But you somehow managed to look adorable as always!

Anonymous said...

OMG I haven't been here in forever! I love your new design ;)

I am supposed to be on blog vacay so I can't post my Xmas in July yet, but I will before the deadline is up!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and that chapstick is my all time FAVE!!

Amy @ My Life and Other Nonsense said...

Okay, first I love your outfit. Very cute and the colors on the skirt are so fun. I can't imagine how exhausting it must be to buy/move into your first house. Hope you get some much needed rest!

P.S. I nominated you for a blogging award. Check it out on my site if you want!

Kym said...

I am so impressed that you made your skirt!!! Did you follow a pattern? Make it up along the way? I've been attempting to sew for about 10 years now and I still kind of suck. But you seem to be picking it up realllly quickly. LOVE that! (Also, we're outfit twins today! If you don't know what I'm talking about, get your butt over to my blog, missy :)
And I'm crushing on your scarf and that multi-colored bangle you got for xmas. The swap was so much fun!
I hope all of the moving in/various re-decorating is going swimmingly. I can't wait to see the results!


Amanda G. said...

Sounds like you got a great package! I know Noel & I were both happy with our swap, and our bloggy friends now. Thanks again for arranging/hosting this!

Also: love your skirt. :)

Kelly said...

Ahh yay! Look at you and your home-made skirt! Awesome job :) Also, awesome prezzies! Looks like your christmas in july link-up was a huge success!

Wendy Annabeth said...

I just heart your blog! Thought you would be interested in the giveaway I'm hosting for Panera Bread & Edward and Sons @ www.domesticsweetheart.com :)

P.S. I'm a new GFC follower!

Allison Taylor said...

I hope you're having fun moving in! I bet it's pretty stressful, but once it's unpacked it will look great! Oh and I love your skirt.

lissa said...

I like seeing all the things people give and received.

thanks for organizing. I hope you enjoy your new home.

have a great day.

Rima said...

i've been reading people's post about the Xmas in July and I'm jealous. hahah... i should've joined. NEXT TIME *fist pumps*

btw i love the skirt.

Sara Louise said...

YOU MADE THAT SKIRT?! I love it Alyx! The stripes and colors are soooooo pretty :)

Fay Heather said...

I love your skirt! It's so pretty :)

Unknown said...

I want that skirt!!! SO cute on you!! Love the colors! :) Thanks so much for hosting the swap by the way!!!

Samara said...

I want to make a skirt just like that one- is it easy peasy? Please say yes!

Natasha said...

We're on holiday and my gift wasn't there yet when I left. I'm so excited to see and share it when I get back home.

Unknown said...

Thanks Alyx for putting swap together!
I loved meeting Danielle and putting her goodies together.

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

I cannot believe you made that skirt, tutorial jetzt!! (bitte :) )

Keri said...

Your skirt is AWESOME!! Make me one?! :)

Unknown said...

Just came across your blog!!

Super cute!

love love love your skirt!

New follower! Look forward to reading your blog.


Natasha Louise Taylor said...

So Alyx, I just went on Bloglovin and for some reason there were no updates on your blog, so I nearly had a panic attack! hahaha... aww man I have been crazy busy and need to blog, time seems to disappear I'm so busy, but do you know who's blog I miss the most, yours... don't tell anyone, it's a secret. You're in your house now, wahoooooooooo, and lovin the skirt!!

Diane Writes said...

Hi! I was so happy to receive my gift from my partner. My partner Natasha is still on vacay and hopefully, when she gets home she will receive my gift... hopefully it doesn't get lost in the mail too.

Thank you for sponsoring this.

LaurenLo{me}LoloLC said...

I love that skirt!!

Natasha said...

I just got back from my holiday and I was so excited to go get my package from the post office. I can't add my link anymore, so I'll just put it here for anyone that's interested: http://www.bambooblossom.co.za/2012/08/christmas-in-july.html

Natasha said...

Thank you :)

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