This post is just going to be a whole bunch of random.
1. I can't think of anything clever to write.
2. I'm so excited for Husker football that I just might go crazy waiting till Saturday to see them play.

3. I think babies are cute, and sometimes think I want one, but then I decide I'm not ready.
4. I really want chinese food.
5. These blogs are awesome and you should check them out.
I'm Lesley, a 27-yr-old creativity addict. I choose to think about crafting and creating all day long since I'm not all too happy with my job. I'm trained as a high school teacher but because there's no work here and because I don't think it's what I want to do I'm kind of lost in the area of my career. I blog about everyday adventures, crafting, cooking & all that's in between. Would love for you to stop by!
My blog is all about finding a happy, healthy balance in life. I share recipes, marriage insights and quite a few pictures of my dog. I'm a big fan of all things relating to health, but I get particularly excited when new studies come out about the benefits of dark chocolate. I love discovering new blogs, so come say "hi!"
Hi friends! My name is Sierra and I blog over at
Oh, Just Living the Dream . I am a turn-off-the-alarm-7-times person in the morning, a 4th Grade teacher by day, and an avid movie lover by night. I love to travel the world and teach! So far I have been to Kenya, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Fiji and Hawaii with many more travels on the way! I blog about the inner workings of life--love, heartbreak, God, teaching, family, traveling, and just life in general! Come stop by! There is never a dull day. Ever. A lot of laughs and a lot of fun are had! Plus, I'm super funny....kind of..
I'm Rima and I'm a late 20-something (eek) girl from SoCali. I'm a full time Registered Nurse who dreams one day to have her own coffee shop/bakery. Either that or just travel the world. You can catch me either saving patients's lives or flipping through cook books in the kitchen on what to bake/make. Bolu By Rima is about my day-to-day likes/rants, my passion about saving lives and feeding the belly. Oh with the occasional glimpse of my love, Rob aka the Pillow and my furry son, Chimichanga.
Cutesy Bootsie is where I blog about what I love to wear, craft, my blessings and challenges, as well as my latest obsessions. Originally from the great state of Minnesota (go Vikings!), I now call sunny South Florida home. Truly, I can't imagine living in cold or driving on ice and snow ever again. I am a middle school teacher by day so, clearly, I need an outlet and blogging has become that for me.
Welcome to Discovery Street! A blog documenting my journey of discovering how to be a wife, home-owner, DIY-er, soon to be parent and more. I'm in love with thrifting, taking pictures of food and my dog Augustus, travel, really good coffee, and social media. Blogging has been a hobby for years, but some day I hope to make it my job!
Hola! I'm Helen. Creative mind behind the blog Eat.Enjoy.Live. A girl on a quest to live life being perfectly imperfect. I blog about life in general; inspiration, friendship, recipes and DIY. I just launched my first shop on Etsy called Glassy Bands. I make stretchy bookmarks out of elastic and glass beads that won't slip out of your book! Come over and say hello, I'd love to have you :)
Hello & Howdy! My name is Britt and I blog at Beelittlequeen! I write about my single life happenings which covers a wide range of topics from family, faith, couponing, beauty, fashion, music/books/movies, to friends and crafts. You'll see that I am an animal lover/advocate and that I have a coffee addiction-it's serious! I guess you could say that my blog is classified as a lifestyle blog, but I have also done some video make up tutorials! Please stop by, i love meeting new people!
Happy Thursday!! TGIAF (That's "Thank Goodness It's Almost Friday," for all you non-savvy folk out there).
i want chinese food too
Can't explain my jealousy that you get to watch college football. Live college football. Ugh. Have fun!
I love reading your blog because you always make me laugh. That picture of you and your hubs is adorable. :) Love it!
I love random posts. I do not love Nebraska football. But I love you more than I dislike Nebraska football, so it's a net-win.
Babies are cute.
I am READY for college football - I'll totally be rocking out my burnt orange on Saturday
I am SO ready for Husker football Saturday!! I'm jealous you get to be in Lincoln, though. At least we have a Husker bar here in NYC so I can be surrounded by like minded corn heads :)
Go Huskers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all.
Great. Now I want Chinese food, too.
You're ready, Alyx. You're ready!!
Haha TGIAF. You're awesome Alyx.
did you notice that guy behind you in the husker pic? he's making the most perfect eye contact with the camera. :)
So excited for this week to be over (and have 3 days to work on personal projects/sleep!)
Have a great Friday Alyx!!
Hahaha my husband is counting down to Saturday for this same reason...
If you wanna drive four hours we're getting Chinese tomorrow night with my bff from college! :)
Sooo, I just tried to type in your URL a minute ago and accidentally entered ""! GAH! Thank goodness that no weird porn websites popped up! How's that for random?? :) Happy Thursday, Alyx.
now that you mentioned it, i really want chinese food as well, haha! ;)
p.s. thanks for the intro and the links, i love "meeting" other bloggers! :D
<3, Mimi
Mile End Bakery Giveaway: Win a dozen cookies of your choice!
Open internationally: Win a set of temporary tattoos!
Cornhuskers! I went to unomaha for grad school, but I'm a cornhuskers fan all the way!
I feel like you deliberately put that first photo up to taunt me.
Baby Hunger-it's a real disease! Let us talk about this momentarily...have you ever been on the kids and pets section of pinterest? It will kill you
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