Favorite Things Friday

Happy Friday!! 

You guys have no idea how happy I am to be saying those words. Hopefully you're just as happy to hear them! So... on to this week's favorite things!

1. Fall weather! It's coming to Nebraska (knock on wood), and I couldn't be happier! It's perfect football weather, and I get to wear sweaters and scarves and boots! Super stoked.
2. Starting a Harry Potter marathon. Mike and I started one last night, and we're going to watch one movie every week for the next seven weeks, until we've finished them all.
3. The Game of Thrones books. I haven't had much time to read this week, but nearly every spare minute I find has been spent reading this series. It's so good. I think I'm going to spend all day tomorrow devouring the first book.

4. The Maise Dobbs series. This is a mystery series set in England between WWI and WWII. It's really, really good, and I highly recommend it if you're into reading mysteries.
5. Mint chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate syrup. Holy moly, so good. I have to brag a little about Mike, too, because after I mentioned that it sounded good yesterday, he went out and bought a half gallon of it while I was napping!! I love that dude.

What were some of your favorite things this week?? 


Unknown said...

Sooo happy you're enjoying GoT. I can't wait until I have time to read again and can finish the last book (that's out...from what I can tell the series will NEVER END until George R.R. Martin dies or something...)

Ashley said...

I think I might participate in this Harry potter marathon with you!

Unknown said...

I wish I could spend all day tomorrow devouring a book! Mint isn't my favorite ice cream, but ice cream sounds good!

Niken said...

now you've mentioned the Games of Throne books couples of times, i WANT them right now!

my favorite thing this week? When we're sitting in a waiting room for our flight so i can get some sleep!

Sinead said...

I'm currently reading the first Game of Thrones as well and I'm LOVING it. Admittedly I did watch the show first but to me it doesn't make a difference! A good book is a good book, even if I know what happens!

Also I love me some Harry Potter marathons, next time I plan on giving this exercise plan a go, I figure I watch them enough, I may as well get fit while doing it!


Brianna said...

Love every single one of these things! Game of Thrones is on my list!

rooth said...

Thank ya thank ya for the mystery series recommendation. I love old timey mysteries (like Mrs. Pollifax) so this will be right up my alley

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

next time, make that ice cream vanilla with peanut butter. don't mix them up rather just a bit of each in the spoon. so good!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of your fall weather! Maybe we will get it soon!!

We JUST finished the HP movie series last week! We managed to get in two a week so we could finish it quicker. Holy moly, that's a good series!!!

Jennie said...

Ahhhhhemmmmm, there are EIGHT HP movies, you heathen!!! ;)

ty said...

omg, J and I had a HP marathon once, right before the last one came out in the theater. I'd never seen any of them (I KNOW, RIGHT??) and we watched all seven in two and a half days.

Because we're slothful.

Rosie said...

Andi and I watched all of the HP films last summer...in German! It's really funny! Try it once with subtitles. Gonna get onto those books. They look awesome.


Brittany said...

I am loving the fall weather! I just need to buy some new fall clothes now :)

Unknown said...

My MIL loves the Game of Throne books! I guess I mihgt need to read them if you like them also ;) And yay for mint chocolate chip! That's my favorite and yay for Mike! Good husband points!

Anonymous said...

I was dead to the world when I read the Game of Throne series. It's SO good! My husband hates me though because I couldn't help but blurt out spoilers from the books.

Katrin said...

Yay for fall and a Harry Potter marathon! That's awesome! Have fun!

Kell said...

It's still so hot here, but I'm definitely prepping for fall weather, I can't wait!
And I LOVE the Game of Thrones series. It's one of the best I've read in a long time.

meet.make.laugh. said...

Love Harry Potter marathons. They are required at least once a year at our place. ~Stephanie

kim @ a positive peace said...

ummm i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i think in order for it to be considered a marathon u have to do it all in one sitting!! i mean, that's what i do anyways. who DOESNT want to spend their whole weekend watching 21 hours of harry potter??? hahahah

Natasha Louise Taylor said...

Harry Potter marathon!!!!!!!!!!! Now I want one! I need to read so bad, teaser haha it's a good job the weather is getting cooler, I just sent every bit of summer wear back with Josh, but I Love the coolness and I'm so ready for cute layers, scarves and stuff! yay!

Anonymous said...

I love that your having a Harry Potter marathon. I just talked about this in my 100 things series that I'm doing at the moment. Love Love the movies.

Erinn said...

I'm reading the first one right now! It's super good but I don't read it until I'm in bed so I don't get very far. Maybe this weekend I finish it...
Good luck on your HP movie marathon!

Bri Buzali said...

Happy Friday, and thank goodness for fall! It's still not cold enough in Texas for boots and scarfs but I'm hoping it comes soon!

Kym said...

Wow - similarities: J & I recently did a Harry Potter marathon, my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip w/ chocolate syrup, and my boyfriend is obsessed with Game of Thrones (on tv). I'm convinced that I need to start reading the series because if you love it, it's pretty much guaranteed that I will too!

Kelly said...

Awe ya, Harry Potter marathon!!! Love those :) One time I watched each movie back to back... wasted my entire weekend.

Unknown said...

oh, I really need to read the Game of Thrones series!

RadiantKristen said...

Mint chocolate chip is the bomb. I have a thing going for hot fudge right now. Nothing else seems to compare in terms of the greatness.

Unknown said...

I love this Friday's list!!! Harry Potter, mint chocolate chip ice cream, reading some great books!?! Girl after my own heart!!!

Simply Evani said...

Harry Potter marathon FTW!

Anonymous said...

We are doing a HP marathon over Christmas break! Obviously we are very excited about it :) Let us know how it goes and your survival tips ;)

T&S said...

1. I am jealous of the fall weather. We are still dealing with heat and humidity here in sunny Florida. I went to the Gator game on Saturday and got a sunburn on the top of my feet. very attractive.

2. I have been wanting to have a Hary Potter marathon lately. Colon and I did a "Lord of the Rings" marathon. so much fun but it took forever. We finished the last movie on Friday and while walking around campus on Saturday before the game I kept saying "my precious" in the creepy Frodo voice. True story.

3. I am checking out these series!

Hope your week is going well!

XO Lourdes