What Better Way to do a Book Review than with a Vlog? My Husband is a Poet, and he didn't Know it.

Happy Monday!! 

I'm choosing to greet you in such a cheerful way because I'm hoping that it will make me a little more chipper as I roll out of my bed this morning, 15 minutes before I waltz out the door, still rubbing my eyes and grumbling about how I frickin' hate Mondays.

I'll let you know later if it worked.

Anyway. I don't really feel like typing, so here's a book review in vlog format.
If you don't want to watch the vlog, the book was Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling.
My Grade: C+

The bottom line: I'm generally not a fan of memoirs, but this was an okay read. I'd recommend checking it out if you're looking for a mindless, somewhat humorous book that's easy to put down when your kid starts screaming or punching his (or her) siblings.

On another note - have any of you ever read the Miss Peregrine series?? I downloaded the first one yesterday and am looking for some opinions/ someone who will talk about it with me when I'm finished!! EDIT: I just finished the first one... someone talk about it with me!!! 

And.... just for kicks and giggles, I have something from my hunk a hunk of a hubby.

Mike: I had an assignment to write a poem based on a picture or image I saw. At the time we were in the car driving to Wichita, KS. We had gone to a KFC/ Taco Bell where I got a meal deal #4 from the Taco Bell side. A beefy five-layer burrito without sourcream, adding 'redstrips'. Comes with a medium drink and a bag of doritos. The drink cup they used was from the KFC side and had a picture of Col. Sanders. I chose to write the poem on the cup since it was the only thing I could think of. (Alyx here - it was totally my idea)
The Old Man: Colonel Sanders
Red, white, and no, not blue. Black.
The colors dance across not paper, not canvas, not even cloth, but across plastic.
Not flat, not rough, but round and smooth. It fits snugly in my grip and provides nourishment.
As I look down I see a face warm and bright, but formed with the colors of anger and despair.
He smiles and stares kindly, inviting you to enjoy what’s underneath.
The tie he wears is black, his shirt as white as his hair which glistens in the light.
His spectacles bright and clear create ovals around his eyes that bring them closer and into your soul.
Not penetrating, but embracing. Not forcefully, but as if he asks permission to lighten your burden.
Even now as you see him, you thirst, and long for satisfaction and know that he has it.
Not in him, but a part of him. Not through him, but in him.
Satisfaction is found and thirst sleeps.


Sara Louise said...

I wouldn't send you to book rehab... at my old job (re: old life) I used to sit by myself and read during lunch too.

I think I'll give 'Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me' a miss but I'm intrigued by this Miss Peregrine series... I've never heard of it but the name Miss Peregrine sounds interesting :)

And since your post is about books, it gives me the perfect excuse to tell you that I'm hosting a book giveaway... come on over!

Nikki said...

Love the poem! Beautiful :) ...and to be honest I was a little disappointed with Mindy's book. Her new show though? So funny!

Anonymous said...

Oh I hate Mondays to as I'm sure do many other people. It takes all my effort just to roll myself out of bed and reach for my coffee mug. But theres no better feeling then the end of day and a glass of wine with the beau to get my mind off it.

Maša said...

I love vlog book reviews, especially of books with pictures (like craft books), so the reviewer can show a few pages too.
I always have my nose in a book - I take kindle everywhere so I can read even if I only have to wait a few minutes for something. some people think I'm crazy (like my mum), but that's how I'm able to read lots of books. :)
I don't care if it is rude anymore, although I had a hard time at first because I wasn't allowed to read as a kid if my parents had visitors. o.0

M. said...

"and thirst sleeps"... so moving :) You didn't really like the book, did you? If I ever write a book, please do me the favor of saying "I didn't love it" instead of "there were a few good parts with a few good sections..." haha, hope your Monday is less than awful! Peace homie!

Unknown said...

I've always wanted to read that so I will definitely be watching your vlog when I get home to help me decide if it's worth the time :-)

Have a great week Alyx!

Brianna said...

Hahaha! This KFC Poem had me in stitches!

As for the book review: try The Scourge. It's a adolescent book, but a good read!

RadiantKristen said...

You don't need book rehab. Trust me. I live with a book junkie and you're in the amateur leagues compared to him.

I love how much you ramble. It's how I know we will have good in person conversations.

Your husband... wrote deep poetry about Colonel Sanders. My mind is officially blown by that. Blown like leaves on the wind...

Anna said...

haha, "C+ IS better than an F." absolutely. I could see myself reading it someday, maybe...

wow, Mike. that peom...there must be some kind of poetry contest you guys could enter that into? You should get national recognition for that. Oooh! Or submit it to KFC and request they print it on all their cups. :)

Heather in DE said...

I was really excited to read that book because I looove the Office, but you're right, it definitely wasn't a "full immersion" book. I bought it right before my last international flight and it was really perfect for that. Mostly because I have the attention span of a gnat on a plane and I wanted something light and fluffy. So it was great for travel and had enough funny stuff to keep me entertained. I've got my fingers crossed for her new show too!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I have heard so many good reviews of that book so now I am intrigued after hearing yours! haha

his little lady said...

you are too cute, girl! great little review. i'll have to pick this up next time i just want something frilly to read. i loved "bossypants" by tina fey. i'm assuming they are probably the same style of writing.
and i can't believe you've read 8-9 books in just the past couple of weeks. you are a reading machine!!
xo TJ

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Miss Peregrine is good huh? I'll have to try it!

Love your hubby's poem btw.

Kelly said...

Hmm I was considering reading that book because I love her in The Office.. Maybe I'll make sure to sign it out from the library rather than buy it...

Madeline Grace said...

I have this book just sitting on my shelf and I keep meaning to pick it up but I just haven't had the chance. I guess I'll get around to reading it when I'm done with other books!

I keep meaning to read the Miss. Peregrine but I haven't gotten around to it! If you like it I'll have to add it to my list!

Emily said...

I didn't watch the vlog - but only a c+? Dude I laughed - like enough that if I was a milk drinker milk would have come out my nose. Bummer you didn't love it that much.

Ashley said...

I kept putting it down too.

I thought her language was kinda crazy too. I felt like she kept throwing out the F word just because. Definitely a library book.

I just checked out Perks of Being a Wallflower. Have you read it yet?

And I def just watched your whole vlog.

Unknown said...

Miss Peregrine series??? Tell me more!

Anonymous said...

I know this is an old post of yours but I felt the very same way about the book.

But when you mentioned pictures in blog posts is what made me want to comment. I was just talking to someone the other day about pictures in blog posts. Basically, I feel this tremendous pressure to always have a picture. Because everyone and their mom will tell you to have one to make it more pin-able and blah, blah, blah. I get the reasoning. I have always loved taking pictures and that won't change but I'm a writer at heart. There are times when I just don't have a picture but then I just go look for one or come up with one because of that pressure. One of these days, I'll break that "rule" so many set and just share something that I think the words paint enough of a picture. Because, honestly, I feel like we live in a world that reads less and needs the crutch of visual stimulation all the time. You know? That's been my dilemma as of late.

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