And the Winner is.... Plus the Cutest Kid on the Block.

Happy Tuesday! 

Just dropping in to let you all know that the book for this month is...


And this is where I leave you with some photos that I took of a really adorable kid this weekend. I tell you what, those baby blues are killer. 

Isn't he a darling? 


Sara Louise said...

I love his little rosy cheeks! So cute!

Niken said...

he's too cute. i must be very sick because i want one too. gah!

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

ah little blonde boys are the cutest! he's so presh

Laura said...

Definitely a cutie!

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

He is so cute! I love kids when they're little like this, they're so much fun!

M. said...

SO Darling!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little fella! These are great pics... especially the first two!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous little fella! These are great pics... especially the first two!

Anonymous said...

Love that book! So glad I recommended it ;)

RadiantKristen said...

What a cute, fun little dude! Hanging out with kiddos is the best.

noone said...

ohh he is SO adorable, these pictures are lovely :D

Kym said...

Who is this adorable little man?!


p.s. - I laughed when I read your first sentence. It sounds like "oh, I just took a child over the weekend. No biggie."

Why Girls Are Weird said...

Such a good book!

jessica said...

What a cute kid! And what a great book! It's been a few years since I've read it though so maybe I'll join you guys :)

Madison said...

What a cutie!

I had to reread the sentence where you said you took the pictures. I thought for sure you were playing baby napper and wanted to share your criminal act with us. ;)

Genna said...

How cute is he?! And I loved that book. Definitely one of my favorites!

Breenah said...

I'm not gonna have time to read between Quinn and moving, but I've actually already read that one so I can participate! Yay!

Anonymous said...

YES!!! Im pretty excited about the book (since i read the others :))

and this little man is quite the cutie patutie!!! where'd ya take him from?? ;)

-amanda krystal

No(dot dot)el said...

He really is so very cute!

rooth said...

Wonderful pictures - he's absolutely darling

Emily said...

YES - I totally wanted to read this book! Looks like I am in, BABY!
Sorry I have been hooked on Honey Boo Boo - and can't stop imitating her.

Unknown said...

I am so glad because I have yet to read it! I can't wait to be in a book club even if it is an "e" one lol.
Have a great Wednesday Alyx xo

Anonymous said...

i will be participating in the book club!

Shay said...

Oh I sure hope my son looks like him when he gets older- what a doll!

riana. said...

Yes!!! the book i voted for won!!!

(I think I voted twice on two devices)

LOl..i'm acting like I couldn't have read the book if it lost.

Natasha Louise Taylor said...


Bri Buzali said...

he's precious! and I'm super excited because I've wanted to read that book!

Maša said...

I'm really glad that the book I requested won! xD