Didn't You Know? They Sell Babies at Home Depot.

Dear Baby, 

I saw you in my dream the other night. I'll tell you where, but you have to promise not to laugh at me - I can't help it if my subconscious is insane.

I was walking through Home Depot, and there you were. On the shelf. Next to the hardware. In your carseat/carrier. I just looked right at you. You stared back at me with big blue eyes, and I asked you if you were my baby. You may have been in a really awkward place, baby, but you didn't answer me - babies can't talk, even in silly dreams. So instead of talking, you just kept on staring. I did what any normal person would do - I took you off the shelf.

So, baby... maybe I didn't really see you. Maybe it was someone else's baby and I'm just a crazy baby-napper who steals other people's kids from the shelves at Home Depot.

Your Crazy Mom (or Baby-Thief... whichever one applies here).
Now I don't have a rap for you today, but I do have a cute picture of a girl and her dog. And an awesome blog. Wait.. that was kind of a rap, wasn't it?! I'm awesome.
Oh hi, I'm Allie! I share my life, thoughts and favorite things over at A Day in A Joyful Life. I'm a newlywed and a doggie mama trying to figure out the delicate balance of married life, work, fitness, and down time. I have a slight addiction to reality TV, particularly the Real Housewives of Anywhere, and I love meeting new people, so stop by and be sure to say hi! 

Now it's time for a game of the awesome. If you can answer the following question about Allie, you win 500 awesome points (don't worry, it's an easy question and the answer can be found here). 

What is Allie's dog's name? 

a. Butch
b. Cassidy
c. Casey
d. The Sunshine Kid
And just have to leave you with some of the husband's talent. Bet you can't guess who's singing the background vocals toward the end there. 

PS: Just finished The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly, and it was so good. Maybe I'll do a book review. 


Anna said...

HAhaha! your face in that picture is priceless!! :)
Alyx, you are going to be 'the cool mom' and all the other children in your kid's class will want to be the chaperon for the field trips. I just know it. :)

Rosie said...

The dog is called Casey! Great dream. It would be so much quicker than birth being able to get your baby from a shop. Xx

Alex, Speaking Denglish said...

You two are just magic - your child is going to be in awe. Every day.

M. said...

Casey. Boom. I'm raking 'em in this week! And fyi, I wasn't sure if Mike's song would be actually impressive, or impressively terrible. Good work Mike (with an assist from the backup singer of the century)!

Anonymous said...

I love dreams they're so inventive. You guys are awesome. I watched some of the other videos--good stuff :)

Ps: dogs name is Casey

Breenah said...

The crazy dreams are just beginning! I don't know what the hormones do, but my dreams were RIDIC.
And that adorable dog's name is Casey :D

RadiantKristen said...

I would say it's normal to wish you could buy a baby from home depot. I mean, growing a baby from scratch is pretty darn difficult, exhausting, and time consuming. I'd much rather find a baby nestled in among the light fixtures.

The answer to the awesome quiz is c, Casey.

Mike is very talented. I'm totally listening to this, right this second.

Alana Christine said...

bahahahahaha. Home Depot? I mean, come on, POSSIBLY IKEA. lol

Raych said...

Casey is the pups name. Also, I heard preg dreams can be cray cray. Baby at a Home Depot isn't that weird :)

Unknown said...

I love these photos - its still so early did the doctor say you had to gain right away? You look great and I'm so happy for you!!

Why Girls Are Weird said...

I've been having odd dreams too, you aren't alone!

The dog's name is Casey!

Simply Evani said...

I adore Allie! And the answer is Casey duhhhhh. Also I've been having super vivid dreams lately. But none about babies in home depot, THANK GOD.

meet.make.laugh. said...

Just coming back from vacation.... .and I see you have a bun in the oven! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! ~Stephanie

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

Casey. haha - Home Depot - it could've been so much worse :)You look great in your pics!

Unknown said...

Allie's dog is Casey. ;) And the Home Depot story is too funny! Except now I'm kind of wishing that was all it took... a trip to Home Depot and a baby to take home; that was yours of course! Not one you baby-napped!!!

his little lady said...

More importantly, was it a boy or a girl. I think dreams are very telling. Especially when it comes to pregnancy dreams. Can't wait to hear more of your silly dreams ;)
xo TJ

Kelly said...

HAH OMG this is hilarious. I mean, I'm sure it wasn't someone else's baby, it HAD to be your baby. Good for you. Did you have to pay for it?

Kym said...

Haha...at least your dream kind of makes sense...because you're currently diy'ing a baby. Like - right now! As we speak! Man, your subconscious knows what's up.

Also, Allie and her dog ~Casey~ are sooo cute! Thanks for introducing us.


rooth said...

You know what, I bet you can buy babies in bulk from Costco

Unknown said...

that picture! I can't. too good.

Sara Louise said...

Now give me my awesome points you baby thief!

Dearest Lou said...

Oh my gosh Alyx your dream made me almost pee in my pants! Too funny (:

Emily said...

C is for Casey! For 500 Alyx!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the awesome feature-- Casey thanks you as well, he loves the attention. I'm glad you took that baby, Home Depot is no place for an infant.

Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahaha, I'm dying here! Your dream just kills me. Can't wait to hear the rest of them. You might keep your second trimester dreams on the down-low.... mine got sorta racy around them. Then back to psycho around 32 weeks.