I Won't be that Lady.

Hi guys!!! 

HUMP DAY!!!! We are officially halfway through the work week!!!

I feel bad for being a lazy poophead blogger for the past couple weeks, so I thought I'd make you a vlog to make up for it. Enjoy - you won't want to miss this one.
Oh, and just so you guys know...

I won't be that lady... 

that pretends to be a baby expert.

I WILL be that lady...

--that freaks out about a poopy diaper.
--that cries the first time baby poops or pees on me.
--that goes insane after a week of little to no sleep.
--that refuses to let her kid have a cell phone till they're driving.

I AM that lady... 

--that googled "can babies poop in the womb?"
--that bawled for an hour when she found out what an episiotomy was.
--that cried about tacos and lack of sleep.
--whose bladder was so full that the ultrasound tech couldn't even see the baby.
--that ate a McDouble and a 1/4 Pounder with cheese for dinner last night.
--that cried during the ultrasound and said, "OHMYGOSH IT'S SO CUTE!! Its head is bigger than its body!!
--that has [maybe not so successfully] kept my dirty little secret from you for 5.5 weeks, and can't hold it in any more.

Oh, in case you hadn't guessed... we're obviously expecting a little monkey. Or human. Or whatever pops out of there on May 13, 2013. 


Unknown said...

YES!!!! IT'S FINALLY OUT IN THE OPEN!! ;) I'm so happy for you and Mike ;)

Rosie said...

I totally knew and watched the whole video! I'm not surprised you're extremely happy....congratulations! Yaaaaayyyy!

RadiantKristen said...

I'm 15,000 awesome points richer.

...And I'm glad the word is out, and things will go back to normal with you and blogging. Hooray for no more secrets! That is, until you decide that it would be "fun" to not tell us the gender of "Little Creature". Please don't do that. Blogging and secrets are like Austin Powers and Dr. Evil... they just aren't ever going to get along.

Oh, and "It just lost its tail... which is good, because kids shouldn't have those..." Best part of this vlog.

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Eeeeep!!!!! Congrats lovely!!! So excited to follow your Mommy journey now too!!!! Xoxoxoxo

Samara said...

Congratulations- so glad that whatever has been going on is good news, rather than bad news :) I googled episiotomy. Shouldn't have :S

Samara said...

Oh...and I get 15,000 awesome points. Yay!

jessica said...

Yay!! Congrats!! This makes me super excited to have someone else going through this same bizarre experience as me!!!!! Also don't feel bad for crying about the food or the sleep. I've done both. Numerous times.

Sara Louise said...

A little Alyx is coming!!! YAY!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

Rima said...

oh SNAPS!!!!
Congrats girlfriend!!!!!!!

Magical Daydream said...

Hey champ! Congratulations, and I like your video way more than tiny baby shoes, even though I kinda would be the kid getting all heart-warmed feelings about picture like that. :D

Unknown said...

ah, congratulations, lady!
okay, I seriously cringe at the word 'episiotomy'. ugh.
And I would like to save my 15,000 points to use at a later date.

Unknown said...

Ah, congrats girl! That is so exciting!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex, Speaking Denglish said...


Hannah said...

congrats to you two! this is so exciting! yeah and i kind of knew it!

A Brew of Blessings said...

So exciting!!!! Congrats :)

Laura said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!! Congratulations to you and the Mr.! How exciting!!Take care of yourself Alyx!

Jess said...

Congratulations girly!! I totally cried the other week because I couldn't get Lebanese food when I wanted it... and i'm not pregnant so don't even worry about the Tacos :)

Oh and you should totally have it on May 14th because that's my wedding anniversary and yeah, that'd be cool.

Casey said...

CONGRATS! So awesome! And now I'm 15,000 points richer than I was. So, it's a good day for everyone. :)

erin e flynn said...

15,000 awesome points for me!!!


I must be pretty slow because I totally had no idea this was coming. lol

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! - Wow exciting.. best of luck with everything. :-)

Lish @ Imprintalish said...

WOOHOOO!!! So happy for you :) Congratulatins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Diane said...

Bahaha your bladder was too full... that's awesome. Also, you should probably laugh when the baby poops and pees on you. Everyone wants to cry, but pretend you're looking at it from a few (or many) years in the future. It'll be hilarious then, right??

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS! How exciting!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay....I'm not gonna say I knew it, but I did WONDER it a week or two ago!!! :o) I am soooooooo happy for you guys!!!! I love the first baby picture - s/he looks just like you! ;o) J/K! I'm not saying you have a head as big as your body...

Lynn | Motherhood in Motion said...

Congrats!!! Love this and your honesty!

Anonymous said...

OK... I pray it wasn't one of my many God awful statuses you cried over.. LOL I have done MANY in the past few weeks!

And I cracked up at that video! You are so cute!

Breenah said...

I enjoyed your normal and not "for the blog" announcement. You're adorable!

Breenah said...

Also, when you do your glucose test DON'T get the orange flavored drink. That's my most important pregnancy advice.
And I did watch the whole video because you are just that awesome.

Why Girls Are Weird said...


I started reading this and kept thinking, "Um... Alyx..." and then got to the end and got so excited! Congrats lady!

Michelle said...

Congrats! So exciting

Kristen Victoria said...

Best "we're expecting!" announcement ever!! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

YAYYY!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!--i almost cried, BUT i refrained--that would have been embarrassing. any who, keeping that in for 5.5 weeks is an accomplishment, kudos!

xx-amanda krystal

Diana, Down Home Traveler said...

YAY! Congrats!!!!!

rooth said...

CONGRATULATIONS to you, your family and on the pending arrival of your tail-less baby. This was the best baby announcement that I've witnessed so far!

Emily said...

Am I a bad blogger friend for now knowing it? I totally didn't know. But I did watch the video to the end - and now I want a effin' taco man. And my awesome points. That Kym blogger better not win any though because I want first place. Your baby wants that for me too.

I am so happy for you, mike, and your recently tailless baby!

Niken said...

oh my!
i just got a connection and look what i've missed!!!!

congrats Alyx!!!!
if we lived nearby i won't mind to babysit yours.

Unknown said...

Omg yay! So exciting !

Niken said...

and p.s : you should consider acting. ha!

Kaity said...

congratulations!!!! I can honestly say I really didn't expect anything - don't know if that makes you feel better about your secret-keeping skills. :) also, what is it about blogger babies that they all tend to come around the same time??? I feel like at least 10 people I follow have announced pregnancies within the past week or two. what's up with that??

Amanda G. said...

Holy crap!!! And yay and congrats!! Exciting times (are you excited?). :) And I for one enjoyed your crazy taco story announcement more than I would've anything cutesy.

Totally made it to the end of the video.

Also, I will totally be that lady, too.

Madison said...

Congratulations!! So glad that it turned out to be good news and not bad news!

I'm at work and had to get on my phone in order to watch the video and I'm glad I did cause now I get my first awesome points :D

I much preferred your video over any of the cutesy blog posts I tend to see about a pregnancy announcement. Cutesy isn't my thing really either.

Congrats again!!

Ashley said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up!!!! Congrats girl:) I am so excited for you!! Man, I leave for two days and you announce a baby...never doing that again:)

Anonymous said...

And you are hilarious and your announcement would have been epic should your man stayed home to help you!! The visual I got was pretty great though:) 15,000 points for me

Brittany said...

YAY!!! I am so excited for you. And you are hilarious and that was a great video and I really had no idea this could have been what has been keeping you from us and I LOVE that you call it a fetus because I do that too but I feel like it offends people but I think it's cool and I watched your entire video and get awesome points?!

Anonymous said...

If you freak out about a poopy diaper, you'll be freaking out a lot lol. I have had kids pee on me a couple times. I didn't cry, but I wasn't thrilled. You'll live though (and hopefully be close to somewhere to shower and change clothes). I would also go insane after a week without sleep so don't blame you there. Good for you not wanting to give them a cell phone til they can drive...and even then, I wouldn't give them a nice one lol. I get so annoyed when teens I know complain about being grounded off their iPhone...why do they even have iPhones before they can pay for them? Congrats and best wishes.

Emma Leigh said...

1. "i gots a fetus in muhhh belly" bahahaha
2. wahoo for 15,000 points
3. YOU ARE Robin Scherbatsky!!! Seriously.
4. CONGRATS!! :)

Kylie said...

I sort of suspected :) How's that? CONGRATS lady! You're going to do just fine. Honestly, you'll get used to everything. And....the episiotomy isn't too bad (of course I wouldn't know what it's like without one). Anyway, congrats again!!

Simply Evani said...

WOW, CONGRATS!! :) Lol so eager to follow this journey!

Genna said...

Thank goodness! I was running low on point :P For the record, I have a pumpkin for my dad, so I would have been in the same scenario.
And I googled episiotomy (aka I'm never having children). Damnit.

Jamie said...

Congratulations on your new expecting addition!


Anna said...

I saw your imaginary vlog in my head! it was great. and I WISH i'd seen this BEFORE instagram, but whatever. CONGRATS!!!!! You guys will be fantastic parents! Can't wait for May!

Melissa Boo said...

Congratulations!!! I couldn't imagine you doing something cutesy, but the taco thing sounds just about right.

Unknown said...

Yeah so I saw the Instagram first... Then this! ;) CONGRATS girl!!!! So excited for you guys... and seriously you crack me up! The pumpkins would've been cute, but that much thought into it is too funny! Oh, and I'll take my 15,000 points, thanks! ;)

Anonymous said...


kim @ a positive peace said...



lmao. yes. crying in bed over a taco. that'd definitely be me. hahah. i just randomly cry at xfactor all the time so im not sure what that means for me as a preggo lady!!

Kelly said...

CONGRATULATIONS ALYX!!! I'm so so so so so excited for you. I hope you share all your weird and awesome pregnancy stories with us, I always love hearing them! .. I hope that's not creepy..

And I made it to the end of the video! I don't think I have any awesome points yet. And I don't know if I'll ever get anymore, but if you're seriously giving 15,000 I'D LIKE SOME :D

p.s. It's possible that I would cry over tacos in a non-pregnant state, so I can understand how you must have felt...

riana. said...

i made it to the end of the video! haha. :)

OMG!!! i am so beyond excited for you!!

and, I can only imagine how you're feeling, I would probably feel the same way!!

yay!!! congrats to you and mike!

Whitney said...

OMG! I KNEWWWWWW that was it!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYY congrats!!!

Whitney said...

P.S. I think I'm only like 4th to say that. I may have read the rest of the blog post before I watched the video. Whoops.

M. said...


Super excited for you. Glad to have another like-minded mommy to join me in the "let's not drink after our kids until they're 12 because backwash is disgusting" club. Not that you actually said that, but I have a feeling you're in with me. <3

M. said...

15000 points. Add 'em up! :)

Oh, and Books I've liked: Bringing up Bebe, Babywise. That's it. Didn't really like anything else.

Unknown said...

That was the best announcement ever- and has officially made me love your blog and become a dedicated follower! 15,000 points for you!

Kym said...

WHAT?! What the WHAT?!?! I am in complete shock! I'm not even done watching the vlog yet, but Oh my God! Congratulations! Your child will be a giant! Gaaahhh!! I'm so excited for you & Mike! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


ps - your blob is the cutest blog i've ever seen! and I honestly had no idea. Wow... ((WOW!!))

Kym said...

Oooo, 15,000 points! That's quite generous :)

ps. I can't believe it!! haha but really I can't. You are going to make a beautiful pregnant lady, my friend <3

Unknown said...

Congrats! Yay for you and Mike!

T&S said...

Congrats Congrats Congrats!!!! :) So happy for you.

Oh and I just googled whether a baby can poop in the womb. Thank you very much :)

XO Lourdes

Nikkiana said...

Ahhhhh!!! Congratulations! You're gonna be come a mommy blogger! :D

Mia @ The Chronicles of Chaos said...

Congrats, Alyx! So exciting! I can honestly say I had no idea! And doesn't everybody lay in bed, crying, with a taco in their hand? I mean, that's just called Wednesday in our house. ;)

Katrin said...

Wooohooo! I thought so! :)) Congratulations!!!!!!!!! You guys will be the best parents ever!

lori said...

ahhhhh yayyyy!! congrats to you and mike! so excited for you and can't wait to read along :)

ps. im not going to say i knew, because i didn't. well played.

and i want to know how i can redeem my 15,000 points.

Maša said...

awww, I loved how you described the photo and liked this vlog so much more than "we're expecting" announcements. thanks for the awsum points! :)

Maša said...

oh, and I had no idea. I was actually flabbergasted. :)

Miki said...

Hahaha, you're so cute and funny! I had to watch this video till the very end. Congrats again! ;D

Oh, wait, I'm such an idiot! I think I forgot to congratulate you in my first comment :/, hehe.

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