You know the drill - grab a button and link on up! Be sure to stop by some other blogs and make some friends while you're at it!

2. We went grocery shopping for the first time in over a month yesterday. Like, we were to the point of having almost nothing but canned beans in our food storage area. We left WalMart with two carts full of groceries so that we could re-stock our food supply and storage.
3. I hate grocery shopping with a passion. This is probably why it took us five weeks to make a trip to the store.
4. I like fake Christmas trees. As in, I prefer them to the real ones. Mike wants us to get a real tree this year, and I told him it was the last year we are going to do it. Fake trees are so much more cost effective, plus our cat won't be as likely to eat the tree.
5. I'm SO excited for Christmas. That's probably why I'm so focused on it. We won't have a big Christmas this year since I don't even get Christmas Eve off of work, and we are trying to save money for baby, but I just love the spirit of the season.
So... there are my confessions. Have you entered this giveaway yet? How about this one?
Link up your confessions!!
I am kinda getting in the holiday spirit as well...we just splurged on a new artificial tree yesturday, our other $50 tree lasted us 12 years, and it felt great to upgrade to something our presents will fit under, lol! Oh, and your cat will totally still eat the fake one. Both of our cats did, and then puked it up all through the;s gross.
I love Christmas and it's amazing how you can decorate without spending much. Felt is my friend at this time of the year!
I prefer the fake Christmas trees, too! It's just so much easier. I like the prelit ones so we don't have to struggle with tangled lights, etc. And my hubby always wants a real one. It's an argument we have every year!
Glad I'm not the only one with some sense. ;)
Happy Sunday, Alyx!
I also prefer fake Christmas trees! Money and cats have a lot to do with it. My family had real trees growing up, and I just remember a bunch of pine needles all over the floor. Oh, and it fell on me once. I was okay; I hid under the piano bench.
Christmas and decorations are always fun! Good luck on decorating your tree. :)
I walked in to work yesterday and one of the girls had this 2-foot tall snowman that she crocheted sitting on her desk. Staring at me.
I feel obligated to be Christmas-spirit-y now :) xxxx
I can't wait till Christmas, I will be spending it in Sicily. I am following you from Rome. Have a nice Sunday. I hope you will follow me back.
OMG--Grocery shopping is my least favorite task in the entire world. Seriously, meal planning makes life so much easier.
We're Christmas shopping today and hopefully getting our fake tree up tonight :D!
Now you just need one of those little trains that runs through your mini city!
I hate grocery shopping with a passion.
I LOVE grocery shopping. I hate real trees. Those are my confessions, lol.
I usually like grocery shopping, once I am there. Deciding to go is not always easy though. ;)
Happy Sunday! thanks for hosting :)
I am not in a Christmas mood at all. I wonder if I will be in the mood soon. My bunnies like to eat Christmas trees. Have a great week!
I have a love/hate relationship with grocery shopping and do the same thing: avoid the grocery store until I HAVE to restock the pantry. Unless I am buying food for a party, then I love wandering the aisles picking up snacks and appetizers.
I like your idea of fake xmas trees, although I think just having a wreath is enough decorations for me.
have a great day & a belated congratulation on your new baby.
SO with you on the grocery shopping- I detest it and usually beg my hubby to go for me!
My boyfriend's family always gets fake trees so I like to tell him he has a fake Christmas. But then he tells me that my Christmas is the one that's fake because it's more about trees than the real reason for the season. Touche. :)
I confess that I was so busy shopping yesterday that I baaaarely paid attention to the game ... but when I heard about it after, I almost had (another) heart attack. Those Huskers will be the death of me.
I prefer fake trees, too! But then again... I've never had a real tree. Fake ones seem so much easier, and you can keep them for a few years. I've already put up my Christmas tree, and some Christmas decorations. My husband is deploying soon, and won't be here for Christmas, so I thought I'd decorate early.
haha sinner! You can't put that stuff up until the Christmas gap (i.e. after Thanksgiving). I guess we can still be friends because I love Christmas too ;) I can't wait, but we are just doing a small Christam too. The spirit and cookies are all that matters in the end right?
Wow you got some amazing little decorations at the thrift store! How much did you pay for the whole village? They are so pricey at the store! I'm looking forward to Christmas too yay!
If we lived in the same place, I would do your grocery shopping for you. It's my favorite kind of shopping. I love it.
Why the heck are they not giving you Christmas eve off? Girl...
And this weekend I went to the grocery store for the first time in a month, it took me FOREVER to unpack! But it's done now and I have a grown up fridge and pantry again :)
I collect those little snow village houses and I just love them - my favorite Christmas decor by far. And I LOVE fake Christmas trees too: 1) not allergic 2) our real trees would fall and break ornaments and 3) they're just so pretty and perfect looking.
I hate grocery shopping too! SO MUCH! This last week I planned two weeks worth of meals in hopes that I won't have to go back to the store for at least the two weeks... We'll see. Seems like we ALWAYS need milk or something.
Aw, this post got me SO excited for Christmas! And I say no to the fake christmas trees. There is just something so regal about the real thing. Plus, you can't beat the smell of a perfect Christmas tree ;)
xo TJ
I wholeheartedly agree with all of those thing! Except for the first one. Cos I didn't buy a Christmas village. But to be fair, if I had been at a thrift store and seen them, I probably wouldn't have been able to resist, either :)
Merry Early Christmas!!
I love Christmas but I am a bit disappointed by your allegiance with fake Christmas trees. And what in the world do you eat without going grocery shopping for so long???
Yay for Christmas, boo for grocery shopping. We have a fake tree too, for now. I grew up with fake, my husband with real. Eh.
I love your thrift store decorations! Mine are all hand me downs, so that's pretty much like thrifting, right? :o)
I'm allergic to real trees. Fake is less of a hassle!
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