You all know how it goes - think up something juicy and share it with the world (the blogging world, that is). Link up and find some other awesome bloggers while you're at it!

I started my blog when we moved to Europe as a way to update my family and friends on my life. When did it turn into *actually* considering giving someone $150 of my hard-earned money just to get more people to like my blog? When did it turn into me wishing that I had hundreds of dollars of extra money just laying around to do giveaways to stores that I would never dream of stepping into? Why did I suddenly start to care how many followers I had?
Here's the deal, folks. Starting in January, I'm getting rid of it (sponsorship, not the blog... HA!). There is no reason for me to have sponsorship on this blog (at least not until I'm done working outside of the home full-time). Right now I don't have the time or energy (or desire) to make blogging my "job." I don't want to feel bad if I blog once a week instead of five times. I don't want to charge people money to put their pretty faces on my sidebar if I can't promise them my dedication to getting their blog noticed. I don't want to be part of this popularity contest.
My blog is mine. And right now, that's what I want. I don't want to feel obligated to share my space. I don't want to spend lots of money to get people to like me. I don't think that's a wise investment for me right now. I am working my butt off to save money for this baby, and when I come home, sometimes the last thing I want to do is try to think of a way to make my life seem interesting.
FACT: My life is boring. I work 40+ hours a week. I sleep about 60 hours a week (what, baby is tired!). I eat food. I drink milk, water, and Coke 0. I work out sometimes. I shower 5-6 times a week. I wash my hair 2-3 times a week. I pay my bills, student loans, and mortgage. I try to find the time to spend quality time with my husband. After all of that, I blog. Maybe when I have more time I will be a better, more exciting blogger, but right now, I am me, and I have other commitments.
I'm not going anywhere, believe me - I just won't be tied down to the blog or feel obligated to post something every day. I may still have giveaways, I may still feature bloggers. It's just that I refuse to punish myself for living my life instead of trying to make myself seem totally awesome, hip, and perfect in an online world.
Whew. Sorry for that novel - now it's your turn - what do you have to confess?
Hey Alyx.
I think that your right about not having to feel bad about not blogging. I am the same. I started my blog to let everyone know what I am up to and for me its not a popularity contest.
Sometimes we just have better things to do then blog.
I was never here (here meaning at your space) for the contests, nor the sponsorship stuff. I stuck around because I think you're the bees knees. I like you, and want to know what's going on in your life. The contests and stuff are a bonus, but I really like reading about your life.
It's easy to fall into the blogging popularity trap. But falling into the popularity trap is exhausting, and your life could be better spent going outside and staring at the trees and getting fresh air.
The bad thing about making a blog your life is that it ties you to the computer. It's horrible! How're you supposed to do exciting things when you're tied to a computer screen? You can't.
Don't feel bad for stepping back from it all. It'll do you good. The people that really care will be there for you no matter how much you write. Or don't write.
Do you first, sweets. You and the little one and Mike. Don't stress yourself out over a supposed obligation. Blogging should be fun, or a place for you to vent. Nothing else.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I've read your blog for quite a while now. I've lurked in the comment section and, once in a while, posted something. I truly enjoy your blog. I think, you'll find that a lot of your followers aren't here for the giveaways. Your Sunday Confessions is one of my favorite posts. Your blog is great and as long as you keep posting I know I'll keep reading no matter what the content or how often the content is posted.
See, and this would be the part where I'd be jumping up to give a standing ovation had this been a speech and not a blog post. I so agree with you.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the odd man out these days... I don't blog for my business. I don't do sponsored posts (well, unless somebody approaches me and I really happen to want the particular thing they want me to review). I don't do giveaways. I'm not looking to get famous, though I'd like to write a book one of these days. I mostly blog for my own benefit, and if someone reads along... Great!
I'm the asshole who posts two or three times a day on the weekend because I hate to let a post sit in the queue, and then doesn't blog all week and you know what? Sorry, I'm not sorry. My blog. My rules.
Way to be! Thats how I try to go about it. Crazy how quickly a person can get pulled into the popularity contest ... but such a much happier person once I'm out of the race. :)
Alyx, I love you. Really this post has been what I've been thinking for forever but felt like I was alone in thinking it. Did that make any sense? I don't think so. Anyway, I switched up my "sponsors" months ago. Now the only blogs on my sidebar are blogs I read and enjoy. They don't pay at all, they're just there cuz I want them to be.
And also, for being one of the "big bloggers" I've always looked up to, I am so, so glad you're so real and down to earth. Blogging isn't life, it's just part of it and I'm glad you're one who sees that! Get some rest :)
I think a lot of people go through blogging phases, just do what makes you happy!
No one needs giveaways :)
Boom! Do what ya need to hun. I'll read whatever you post, whenever you post it! I am still not really feeling the sponsorship thing myself. I haven't posted since Wednesday.....i've got so much to do, it's not funny at the moment. I don't feel guilty though. Tis'my hobby after all. I'm most jealous at all the sleep you're getting!!
great post ! ,its not about the giveaways or sponsorships, its what your write about. and I love reading what you write :)
Jenn xo
Good for you!! Granted, I am new to your blog so don't really know everything you're talking about...
Blogs are to make us happy so do what makes you happy. I know I like watching my stats go up but that's cos I'm a number fiend. Whoever is going to read my blather is going to, or they're not. And that's fine. My blog is more for me than anyone else.
I just selfishly hope you keep the link ups. :) I love Sunday Confessions!
I agree with every single thing B said up there. No one's life should be tied to a computer. That is depressing.
I wrote my blog for similar reasons, to keep my family updated while they were living in India. They came home right before Thanksgiving, so in the past 3 weeks I've written a whopping 1 post. :o) The freedom that comes with not being tethered to your blog is incredible! No comments to respond to, no pictures to edit, no staring at the computer screen for 30 minutes wondering what the heck you're going to write about! :o) Now go...enjoy your free time!
Aww, Alyx, you've got to do whatever makes you happy! You're right, it's your blog, and nobody can dictate what you do with it except for you. I personally love reading your blog because I think you're hilarious - no matter what type of post it is. :)
Get some rest and take care of your little bump!
You go girl! High fives!!!
You rock, Alyx! And you are so right! It is not a popularity contest! I read your blog because you are awesome, because I like you and because I love to hear what you have to say. No matter if it is 7 times a week, once a week or once a month!
Good for you! I started doing that and decided it wasn't for me. My blog is my own and if people don't want to follow me, oh well. Enjoy these last few months as husband and wife before you become mom and dad. I'm sure you'll have plenty of funny stories to share once baby is born. Enjoy the sleep and down time while you still can! Great confession.
I feel ya. I don't even have paid sponsorships. I simply was testing the idea of them out with free swaps and decided I'm just not into having sponsors on my blog.
Just do what makes you happy. There's no point in having a blog and doing xyz because all the others do it and then be miserable the entire time you do it. :)
This is so true. Blogging has completely become a popularity contest for some people and I wish it would go back to (or just become) what it was meant to be instead. Blog for you and you alone, not what you think other people want to read/see. People need to hear this; thank you for sharing xxx
My confessions:
Amen, Alyx! I get it about the blog and appreciate the stand you are taking. Way to take it back for yourself! I'm sorry, though, that you feel your life is boring. I've been there too. If it makes you feel any better, this too shall pass. It's a phase...
Ahh it must feel nice to let that all off your chest - and I'm so glad you shared it.
Things change, life changes, and you just gotta change with it. I'm sure you'll enjoy the reduced pressure from no longer having sponsors. :) Good for you, Alyx.
I'm glad you're not getting rid of it entirely, though. I always love reading your blog :)
Im getting rid of all that too on the blog. I just want to write. I don't even know how I got sucked into the sponsorship game. Some time away from blogging has let me reconsider - and I realize blogging should be for relaxing - not about obligations. Im excited for your changes.
This posts makes me want to stand up and cheer. To be honest, I'm starting to be sick of all the sponsor posts/link ups/constant talking about why a blog is awesome. Just blog truthfully, for yourself, and the rest will come.
I did the same thing.. I was running a weight loss blog and it was taking over my life. it was too much and I ended up canning the entire thing. As for azia said what? I use it to connect with other writers and that's the extent of it. it's nice knowing there are no obligations and no desire to see my followers grow or worry about why no one commented on some video that pulled at my heart strings. fuck being popular, eh!?
OMG I totally agree with you about blogging. Sometimes I look at other blogs and feel a little depressed... like, my life will never be that perfect, I will never be that pretty, but then I think: it's not about that, and it shouldn't ever be. Thanks for the reminder!
that's exactly what I feel about blogging that is why I never offer sponsorship. I agreed that blogging can be a lot of work but it doesn't have to be.
hope you have a great day.
This makes me so proud and happy for you! Go you on getting clear about what you do and don't want here. I can't wait to see what your blog looks like when you do what you want!
I feel the exact same way! I honestly don't have the inspiration right now (hence why my blog has sucked lately).
i totally feel you and i think you just have to do what makes you happy like everyone says. i think you are one of the greatest bloggers/friends ive met through blogging because you really do take the time to get to know the people who are following along with you! that's sooo rare in the blogging world and i think that's what you should focus on. i also feel like my life is sooo boring and i just don't get these bloggers who have so much time to devote to posts every day, with perfectly edited pictures and outfit posts, it's crazy!!
as far as giveaways, i have to be honest, i find them as annoying as sponsor posts...i never win anything if i enter and i have several blogs that i started following when they were "small" and now that they got addicted to the follower rat-race literally all they do is post giveaways. i mean, i guess if that's whats important to you, good for you, but im pretty sure noone starts a blog about their life because they want to post giveaways and sponsored posts every day! i want to look back on my blog in 5-10 years down the road and be like, whoaaa !! lol
so yeah, keep writing whenever you feel like writing and imma keep reading! :)
I am with you on those thoughts. :) Blogging doesn't have to be a popularity contest. It has to be something you have to enjoy doing. You go girl! ;)
Good for you! I thought of completely getting rid of sponsors back at the beginning of November but realized I had people pre purchase 2 months ahead so I just simplified things (: I look forward to reading whenever you have an opportunity to write and I hope you still do your weekly bump updates!
Honestly this sounds like the best thing for you at the moment. You don't need to feel like you're doing something wrong or letting people down for living your life as you want and NEED to. I'm so happy for you and proud of you for taking this step while others may have just moseyed on giving half an effort.
Say it gurly! Blogging is supposed to be a fun outlet, not a burden. Enjoy yourself and your last few months of it being just you and Mike! Blog when you want :) We're all still here and our lives aren't anymore exciting!
Dude. All I can say is amen sister. I'm over it too. I've quit paying for ads (I only ever spent like $15 a month, but regardless). I've quit obsessing over linking to every party every week... I've just quit stressing over it. Glad you have too!!!
I actually just found your blog, but i am really glad I read this post. I actually stopped posting super regularly for a while thinking that I would enjoy life a little more that way (plus I was going through a rough spot and feel like posting). Anyways, after a while I started really really missing it. I read back through my blog and laughed and cried at the things I (we) had done. I fell in love with capturing our story in a creative way all over again. And now I blog for me and my family. I found a balance I enjoy, and I really hope you do too! Good luck to you!
I love these Sunday Confessions. I'm glad that you are staying true to who you are and what's best for you.
Alyx as long as you keep blogging I support you 100%! I'd be so sad if you stopped... but I totally get being over all the other stuff.
i thought you were about to say that you were about to say you were deleting the blog and i was going to be so sad. i have been feeling kinda of down about blogging lately. its hard not to get caught up in all of it and i even get stressed out about posting. it's silly.
I confess that once again, I'm loving your honesty! Sing it sister! :)
Good for you! =]
What a wonderful post! Loved reading this! Coming over from Truly Lovely and I just had to comment. I agree to everything you write, I am so over all of that blog stress - thanks for speaking/ writing it out loud!
Hugs xxx
yes, yes and yes. i hear you on all accounts!
Whew!! You scared the ba jeepers outta me for a minute there, I thought you were saying you were done with blogging. Thank GOD you are not!! I like reading about you and your boring life. It's not so boring actually, to move back to the States, find a home and have a baby... Girl!! that is excitement if I have ever heard of it.
That being said, I know exactly what you mean. I often wonder what the hell I am doing with all of it. Blogging for business, I'm OVER it too! But blogging for fun I could never Quit that. Nope, not in a million years. Glad to hear you feel the same.
I love this post, Alyx. It's what I sometimes think, too, but am too wussy to admit on my blog. I'm really proud of you for just letting go of all the self-induced obligation and popularity struggle. When I go on vacation and am forced not to do anything bloggy, after the initial guilt, I actually begin to feel relieved. That's not to say I don't love blogging, obvi. But, well, you know exactly what I mean...
I normally only say this sarcastically, but you have given me reason to very seriously say, "you go, girl!!" ha!
Love this post. So true. I never thought of myself as the person who would give away my hard earned money for more followers. I'm that girl though. But a part of me wants to say to hell with it all. Oh man. Maybe it's time to go back to the basics of just writing for me.
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