Hold on to your britches... I have an actual post for you today. I know, I know - pick up your jaws off the floor please.

1. I'm jamming out to NSync while writing this. I'm not ashamed to say that I still love me some old school boy band music. This is my childhood, people! Fifth grade Alyx would be very proud of me.
2. I had a Kristen Bell-esque breakdown yesterday (think sloth). If you follow me on instagram, you probably saw this beautiful picture:
A friend compared it to this:
And I have to say - we could be twinsies. Story: I freaked out during the labor and delivery part of "What to Expect when You're Expecting." Once I realized how irrational and ridiculous I was being, I started laughing my butt off. Then I started crying because I realized that a watermelon would have to come out of my lady parts. Then I told Mike to "take a picture so I can blog about how crazy I am!" He's such a good husband. I feel like most husbands would question their psycho wives, but mine just went for my phone.
3. I had cheetos for breakfast yesterday. Don't judge. They were screaming my name from across the room.
4. I had a dream that random people were touching my belly and I didn't like it. Tell me, do people actually do that? Because that is so not cool.
5. I wish I was more crafty. Really, I do! I constantly pin things on Pinterest that I know I will probably never successfully make, but it makes me feel better to at least take that first step of pinning the idea.
PS: Have you entered this giveaway yet???
What do you have to confess today??
I cracked up so hard when I saw your photo on Instagram and it totally made me think of Kirsten Bell! I think you are entitled to a little freak out now and again... but remember, you can do it and it'll be worth it :)
Oh and Pinterest is totally a craft on it's own... it's called 'curating' :)
I don't know that I ever commented on it, but you having the funny breakdown made me laugh a lot. I only ever had one person touch my belly without asking first and it was someone I didn't even know! I kinda jumped back and we both pretended it didn't happen for the rest of the conversation.
I love that he just grabbed your phone without question. Hahaha what a great sport! And cheetos are totally okay for breakfast :)
Oh, man, the hormones of pregnancy will do that to you! I cannot believe that you had the presence of mind to have your husband take a picture -- for a post no less. That is professional blogger status there. I'm glad you are feeling better. Laughing is good. And they are not the size of watermelons! :)
Poor girl!!!!! Cheetos are the best though!
I still listen to the Backstreet Boys...but not N'Stync! :-P
I am sorry that you had a minor freak out!! Giving birth is scary, but sooooo very worth it!
Ha ha I love NSync!!!
I now love you even more because of your love for *N SYNC =-)
Nysnc = AMAZING!, LOL the fact ur husband grabbed ur phone and took a picture for you is just to funny! haha thanks for hosting see ya next week
You are sooo sooo soooo cute, Alyx! I am sorry you had a breakdown like this and I can totally understand how you feel but you are even cute when you have a breakdown!
I love all the old school boy bands too, but my fave is NKOTB. No one can beat them!
I never ever felt any need to touch the belly of a pregant woman. where's does that even come from?
hope you have a great day.
I confess that I DO touch prego bellies sometimes. But never on random strangers. Just close friends.
I would cry to.
A watermelon?
I want to cry right now.
Childbirth may be beautiful or whatever, but it's downright terrifying.
Don't ya just hate it when food is calling your name. I feel your pain.
I thought I warned you, NEVER READ AHEAD in that book! :) You are ridiculous, but that is 100% okay. And OHMYGOSH I want some cheetos now real real bad...
p.s.- I'm terrified, but the discomfort I feel is starting to outweigh the terror... can't wait for this baby!
Hahaha I love the breakdown picture. Hilarious. That Kristen Bell video is so funny! I don't blame ya for jamming out to NSYNC, you are right, that's our childhood! I also don't blame you for crying at the realization that a watermelon will be coming out of your lady parts, that's scary.
haha i love that you posted your breakdown to instagram. you are so funny. you will be fine, try not to freak out :)
and cheetos sound delicious right now...
I'm dying over here - I love your freak out face, that's exactly how I react when there are labor scenes in movies, and I'm not even preggo! And the cheetos, craft-envy, jamming to old school tunes... sometimes I think we're the same person, Alyx. It's a little scary right now.
Cheetos are almost the same color as an egg yolk which makes them a perfectly acceptable breakfast food.
WHY would you put yourself through watching deliveries while preggers!?! That sounds awful!!! haha. ;)
You are hilarious - and brave for actually posting that picture for all of us to see. And yeah, that whole labor and delivery thing freaks me out. Hence no baby. After you have yours, please tell all of us that it was so easy and painless :)
Aw, Alyx...I teared up when I saw that photo of you bawling your eyes out. And, the reason you were crying is totally the reason that I'm not sure I want to give birth to a child -ever. I would love to adopt and sometimes even curse myself for not finding a boyfriend who already had a few living with him :) But I guess this probably isn't helping, is it? lol Sorry.
Also, I'm heading straight to your crafty pin board now b/c I am one crafty biatch and love new crafty inspiration :)
i'm sure everyone has that freak out at some point! and all i wanted to eat was cheetos for a few weeks!
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