Phew, now that we've got that over with, let me let you guys all in on what's been going on in my life lately (you know, besides growing a human). I'm going to be a bubbly Betsy and share ten things in life that are making me happy.
2. In the fall, I will be going back to school. I am so, so excited to be going back to school for my master's! I'll be in a dual major master's program, getting master's degrees in teaching and German.
3. I was offered a Graduate Teaching Assistantship position at UNL! This is a huge blessing, you guys. HUGE. As in, I was past the deadline to apply, but a professor approached me and basically offered me a position that wasn't even technically open. I will have my graduate tuition waived and will receive a monthly stipend (that just so happens to be enough to cover all of our bills). If ever you doubt that things will work out... just stop. Because things have a way of working out. Always.
4. The weather has finally warmed up. Obviously I am ecstatic about this, considering the fact that there was snow on the ground a week and a half ago.
5. I got to spend the entire weekend with my husband. We were able to spend every waking moment together this weekend, and words cannot even begin to describe how happy that made me. I know that our time as a family of two is limited, and I will always cherish the simple, lovely weekend we just had where it was just the two of us.
6. I get to meet my little girl soon. I am so excited to be able to hold this precious babe in my arms and learn what it is to be a mother.
7. I'm about to rediscover my wardrobe. At least I hope I can get small enough to squeeze into some of my pre-pregnancy clothes. Regardless, I am happy that I'll be getting my normal clothes back soon!
8. I will finally have a little bit of time to blog! I have missed blogging so much while I've been working over the past 10 months. I don't know how people who work full time also manage to blog full-time. That was a balancing act that I just wasn't prepared for. I'm definitely excited to be able to blog again, though!
9. Husband got me a pedicure for Mother's Day. I'm happy that my husband is not only OK with me pampering myself on occasion, but that he encourages it! I'm such a lucky gal.
10. Tis the season for driving through town with the windows down and the sunroof open. All while blaring some feel-good jams. THAT is happiness all bottled up!
What is making you happy right now?
I teared up when I read number three. I know the second one had to have been SUCH a tough decision, but it is certainly no coincidence that three came along! Can't wait to see what is in store for your family :)
Warm weather is definitely something to be happy about! Being warm is a distant memory for me now, it's only the beginning of winter in NZ but it's already freezing 99% of the time :( I can't wait to see photos of your baby girl! I'm sure she'll make her appearance when she's good and ready :)
Isn't that the worst question?? I had so many people walk up to me the day after I was due and say "So, still pregnant?" I'm surprised I didn't punch anyone :) Good luck!!
Isn't that the worst question?? I had so many people walk up to me the day after I was due and say "So, still pregnant?" I'm surprised I didn't punch anyone :) Good luck!!
Seriously, I just love your writing!! I feel like we're in the same boat with schooling and money...minus the impending birth of your mini! When we have doubt, we really do remind ourselves to stop! Hooray! And you're a foxy pregnant girl. The end.
I guess you are right, things will always work out. That was the motivation I needed today. So happy and excited for you!
Congrats on the job!!!!!! You look awesome and I cannot wait to hear the birth story of your little girl.
Gah everything surrounding your Master's sounds SO exciting and then with your little girl on the way, life is good lady!
Girl you will enjoy being a stay at home mom. Yes, you will miss the money but if you get some designs lined up then there ya go! Trust me! You will love it!
so exciting! Last day of work and going back to school! You are having some great things happening all at once!
I could write a novel in response to this blog post. But what it all comes down to is that you deserve all of this joy, and then some. And I'm still going to be texting/emailing/checking in with you on the status of where the baby is. Just deal with it.
I LOVE YOUR BUMP! Absolutely ecstatic to be exact:) and aren't you just the little smarty pants, double masters....blah!
I'm so glad you will get to stay home with your little bitty! :o) When I had Lex, we spent the summer together before I started college, too. Once I was in school full-time, we didn't get as much time together, but I have always been grateful for those two months of every waking second with her before I started!
So much excitement for you! Congratulations on the graduate position! That is AMAZING! ~Stephanie
Trust me, you won't feel guilty once baby girl arrives! You'll still care for your job and have fond memories, but you will be SO much more grateful that it's not tearing you away from your baby. Because that's what it feels like.
Congrats on going back to school and the internship. That is AMAZING!
I fit into my clothes not even a week after having Mia... but it's NOT comfortable. You'll see what I mean. Just a little advice... avoid the jeans until you are healed. Trust me. Stick with leggings and dresses, ha!
LOVE your baby bump! So cute! CONGRATULATIONS on your position at UNL, so wonderful! I am loving the warm weather. Hope your day is amazing!
I love all your pictures...( I feel like I "heart" every one of your instagram pictures...)
I am so excited for your work vacation and I cannot wait until mini-alyx gets here! Oh yeah!
Congrats on your position at UNL!
XO Lourdes
ahhh so excited for you!! and yayyy for your last day of work :) maybe you can have just a few days of relaxing pre baby!
and i totally feel ya on rediscovering your wardrobe. i almost had a breakdown in my closet this morning... i swear the stuff fit YESTERDAY.
Alyx, holy crap to #3! Oh my gosh! That is such a wonderful opportunity and how exciting for you!
I'm so happy for you about your new position! That's so incredibly, congratulations.
Hopefully, little girl will be here soon!
Thats fantastic about you returning to school. Way to go going for your masters, and to top it off getting the job offer when you need it most. That is excellent.
I am so excited for you to start your next chapter.
you look beautiful! and still have a little bump! :) how exciting that you are going to stay home with your baby. I plan on doing the same for at least a little while and am nervous about the transition but know that it was I want to do!
Congrats on everything!!! The assistantship, baby girl almost here, being at home over the summer! So glad everything is working out for you!!!
Wow so amazing and perfectly God's timing that you get the summer off to be home and then are going to school AND got that position!! So great :)
Ich freue mich unglaublich sehr fuer dich! First of all, I haven't been around the blogosphere for a while and I thought of you and wanted to see pictures of your sweet baby girl and I'm reading back to catch up on how the end of your pregnancy was and I'm so happy to see how things are working out! Ich gratuliere euch an alles und freue mich dass du wirst bald meine Kollegin Frau Lehrerin! xo Nikki
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