You all know how it works. Grab a button, write some confessions, link up, and visit some other bloggers who have done the same.

2. I have a stack of thank you notes that haven't been mailed out. So... if you have given me something and have not received a "thank you," it's not because I'm rude - it's because I SUCK at mailing stuff.
3. I hate bras. Who invented these things?!?! Obviously someone who never had to wear one, because they are not comfortable. Not gonna lie, that's the first thing I lose when I walk through the door after a long day at work.
4. I had a total breakdown yesterday, and I couldn't even begin to tell you what it was about. I know there was something in there about picture frames, something about me being a hoarder, then something about "letting myself go" since hitting the third trimester, maybe something about eyebrows, and, of course, probably something about food. I am one hot mess, people.
5. Stretch marks from pregnancy don't only get your boobs and your tummy. I was in for a rude awakening when I looked in the mirror today and realized that, while my boobs and stomach are pretty much in the clear, my butt and the back of my legs right under my butt are definitely not. I have been moisturizing my stomach like crazy since I was super determined not to get any, but it was all in vain, because my legs and bootay more than made up for it. So... if you're pregnant or planning on getting pregnant, moisturize everywhere, not just your belly.
What do you have to confess?
That is a good tip on the moisturising.
I confess that I have a job interview on Tuesday and while i should be more than excited about it, I feel...not excited about it.
I am totally with u on the 'get this baby out' thing!!!! The last few weeks are the hardest, but seriously enjoy the time with just your hubby!!! Also from what I have read stretch marks are more genetic than anything else. But the moisturizing can't hurt:). Good luck girlie!!!!! So close!
You are sending me down memory lane, Alyx! Hang in there! You're almost there!
Did someone say castor oil? I'm to that point too...oh please don't make me take 3 more weeks of this...
OMG I miss not wearing a bra! I used to take my bra off asap when I got home, too. Now my boobs leak too much!!! TMI! But seriously, if there is one thing I miss prebaby, it's not wearing a bra!!!
Totally understand the get this baby out feeling. nothing worked for me. I even went running and rearranged all the furniture (by myself) and my baby still wouldn't budge. Hopefully yours isn't as stuborn as mine!
Um, do you know what castor oil does? It gives you diarrhea, which is thought to get the contractions going...only if you have the baby quickly while you have the runs? Not pretty. So while I COMPLETELY understand, just don't do it!
I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I had my membranes stripped and then I went into labor the next day, so....
Also, I walked probably like 10 miles that last week before Jake came. Hang in there! And good luck :)
Ahhh, You're so close! So so exciting!
I love you! I know I shouldn't laugh at your hot mess stage but its absolutely hilarious:) eyebrows are quite frustrating if I do say so myself
I confess your baby needs to hurry up, I think I'm getting more excited than you at this point lol.
Enjoyed reading this post! Wanted to join the link up but have nothing to confess as of now (or at least nothing that I'm ready to! haha).
If you have a sec, hope you can drop by my blog too and read my latest:
Bras are the devil!!!
How is it that in the year 2013 we still don't have a cure for stretch marks??!! Bogus.
HAHA!! This whole post made me laugh...I am experiencing ALL OF THE ABOVE! Stretch marks, random breakdowns, a hate for bras and I am nearly desperate for baby to come!
So happy I found your blog!! :) Have a great weekend!
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